Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Council - Tuesday, 26th July, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock, DE4 3NN. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To enable members of the public to ask questions, express views or present petitions, IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, (by telephone, in writing or by email) BY NO LATER THAN 12 NOON OF THE WORKING DAY PRECEDING THE MEETING. As per Procedural Rule 14.4 at any one meeting no person may submit more than 3 questions and no more than 1 such question may be asked on behalf of one organisation.



Re: Agenda Item 6 – Community Governance and Polling Arrangement Reviews

In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Julian Wallbank on behalf of South Darley Parish Council made a statement on the Community Governance and Polling Arrangement Reviews.

Re: Agenda Item 8 - Development of small Solar Farms on Council owned land

Letter submitted from Tansley Parish Council

In Law the Development Plan is a document adopted under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, a Legal Document. Planning Law requires that applications are determined in accordance with the Development Plan (NPPF 2021) Decisions made should reflect relevant obligations and statutory requirements. The Equalities Act 2010 is also an important issue which should be part of the ‘Plan’ and taken into account by decision takers.


Page 104 of the Officers Report for the above Council meeting contains a Report by APSE ENERGY Report V2. This independent Report examines potential sites ‘owned’ by DDDC, for a future solar farm.


Watery Lane Ashbourne which has been designated as a Travellers Site, is now to be considered as a Solar Farm.


The Report states that residents of Ashbourne may prefer a Solar Farm to a Travellers Site!


Whilst it is commendable to be seeking a location for a Solar Farm, the Local Authority have a legal duty to the travellers.


Whilst the Local Plan does refer to Climate Change, there is no allocation of land within the plan, for a Solar Farm, however there is an allocation of land for Travellers Site, as previously stated the Local Plan is a legal document.


Previously land at Watery Lane Ashbourne was deemed impossible to develop as a Travellers Site because it might be needed for the proposed Ashbourne by pass, residents were lead to believe the land belonged to DCC? Is this different land? however It now appears that the much needed by pass will not impact on this, Local Plan Site.


For Councillors to accept the recommendation to use land at Watery Lane as a Solar Farm would be contrary to Policy HC4 of the legally adopted Local Plan, HC4 states that’ the District council will safeguard 0.3 HA of land at Watery Lane Ashbourne as identified in the Local Plan Policies Map for at least 6 Travellers Pitches, the District Council will safeguard this authorized site’ (Policies map Inset 5 ref HC6).


Councillors’ are all aware that the Travellers have stated consistently their need to be near other family members in the South of the Dales, for support and for health reasons.


The Equalities Act could appear to being ignored by the Local Authority.


The designated land at Watery Lane Ashbourne is now available for its designated use, as a Travellers Site, DDDC need to comply with their own Local Plan.





Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at the time.


Item 73/22 Land at Bakewell Road Matlock – Update on Proposed Conversion of Former Matlock Hall and Modifications to External Layout

Councillors Sue Burfoot and Martin Burfoot declared a non –pecuniary interest in item 73/22 as members of Matlock Community Vision (MCV).


Item 75/22 – Community Governance and Polling arrangement reviews.

Councillors Matt Buckler, Martin Burfoot, Sue Burfoot, David Hughes and Steve Wain declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 75/22 as members of Matlock Town Council.  Councillor Jason Atkin declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 75/22 as a member of Darley Dale Town Council.





Land at Bakewell Road, Matlock - Update on Proposed Conversion of Former Market Hall and Modifications to External Layout pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive an update on the programme for the conversion of the former Market Hall and consider proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regard to bus, taxi and other provision.

Additional documents:


The Policy and Economic Development Manager introduced a report updating Members on the programme for the conversion of the former Market Hall and seeking approval for the proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regard to bus, taxi and other provision laid out in the report.


The Policy and Economic Development Manager presented the proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regards to the bus and taxi provision.  On site consultation had been undertaken by officers with taxi drivers and users to seek views on the proposals and feedback was shown in Annex 1 of the report.


In addition to the consultation, Access for All UK were commissioned to

undertake an access audit of the proposed modifications to the external layout. This has informed the Equality Impact Assessment undertaken (see

Annex 2). The verbal feedback immediately following the site visit from

Access for All was that the proposed modifications were considered reasonable within the constraints of the site and the proposed inclusion of the

taxi waiting shelter and lighting column was welcomed. 


To support the additional costs of the new arrangements it was proposed to

seek external funding as part of the package of public realm improvements to

the north side of Bakewell Road included within the Draft Derbyshire Dales

UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan for considered in the next item

(due for submission to Government on 1 August).


The RIBA Stage 4 programme had been updated by the Council’s architect

as follows:

technical design pack due end of July

tender pack ready for issue September 7

tenders for the shell works due end of October

tender assessment / value engineering / contract negotiation / contractor appointment November – December (subject to acceptable tender)

proposed commencement of works January 2023 (subject to acceptable tender)


Councillor Peter O’Brien proposed an amendment that modifications to taxi waiting and passenger waiting arrangements within the site be subject to further appraisal to ensure the safety of pedestrians accessing the facilities. This was not seconded.


It was moved by Councillor Martin Burfoot, seconded by Councillor Sue Burfoot and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1. Note progress in moving the scheme forward since the last Committee update;

2. Note the updated RIBA Stage 4 programme for the scheme;

3. Note the additional work undertaken through engagement with the MCV Steering Group to facilitate provision of the phase 2 community space in the longer term (delivery subject to separate local fundraising);

4. Note the outcome of consultations with licensed taxi operators and taxi users regarding proposed changes to waiting arrangements within the site;

5. Note the proposed improvements to arrangements for bus passengers and pedestrians accessing the Market Hall development;

6. Note the proposed enhanced provision for disabled car users and for cyclists;

7. Note the proposed modifications to taxi waiting and passenger waiting arrangements within the site;

8. That the proposed modifications to the external layout included in recommendation 5 - specifically the widening of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73/22


UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Investment Plan Submission pdf icon PDF 1 MB

In the context of the approved Economic Recovery Plan, Corporate Plan and Economic Plan for the Derbyshire Dales, to approve for submission the District Council’s Investment Plan for the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund by the closing date of 1 August.

Additional documents:


The Policy and Economic Development Manager introduced a report in the context of the approved Economic Recovery Plan, Corporate Plan and Economic Plan for the Derbyshire Dales, seeking approval for submission of the District Council’s Investment Plan for the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


To access the Fund, the District Council must submit an Investment Plan to include: proposed interventions; measurable outputs and outcomes; state how projects/activities will be procured and delivered; and set out governance arrangements. As lead local authority for UKSPF, the District Council must put in place appropriate project assessment; contracting; programme management, monitoring and evaluation procedures.  The deadline for submission was 1 August 2022. Payments are expected from October 2022.


As a result of the work of Officers, Partners and Councillors a summary plan had been prepared (as agenda item 5, Annex 1) setting out a deliverable package of UKSPF interventions based on identified priorities. It was anticipated that, in accordance with UKSPF guidance, there will be a mixed approach including in-house delivery, commissioned services and procured contracts. It was noted that potential outputs and outcomes were indicative at this stage and subject to finalisation of the plan prior to submission.


A summary of proposed interventions, activities and required funding is set was set out in Table 1 of the report.


The proposed activities had been costed through a combination of methods including: independent cost assessment for the public realm works; costs of delivering similar schemes in the past e.g. Peak Rural Innovation Programme and; using existing delivery costs as a basis for initiatives proposed for extension.


During debate Councillor Peter O’Brien proposed two amendments, these were seconded by Councillor Clare Gamble and are included below:


Amendment 1

That the element of the public realm programme relating to that section of Bakewell Road between the proposed cinema and Crown Square be deleted and that relevant funding be redistributed to one or more of the following:


a.)     An increase in value of the Community Resilience Fund and an increase in the maximum grant to £20,000.

b.)     A scoping report to examine the issues regarding the infrastructure capacity of the electricity grid to accommodate green energy investment.

c.)     An accelerated delivery of the Electric Vehicle Charging Point programme, focused on the more rural areas of the district.

d.)     Funding of the next stage of the feasibility study for the development of a solar farm at Watery Lane.



Amendment 2

That the element of the programme relating to generic business support be deleted and the relevant funding be redistributed to one of more of the following:


a.)     An increase in value of the Community Resilience Fund and an increase in the maximum grant to £20,000.

b.)     A scoping report to examine the issues regarding the infrastructure capacity of the electricity grid to accommodate green energy investment.

c.)     An accelerated delivery of the Electric Vehicle Charging Point programme, focused on the more rural areas of the district.

d.)     Funding of the next stage of the feasibility study for the development  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74/22


Community Governance And Polling Arrangement Reviews pdf icon PDF 119 KB

This report provides details of feedback received during the first stage of a Community Governance Review of the Parishes of Darley Dale, Matlock and South carried as a result of the new district council warding and parish arrangements proposed by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.


It proposes that as a result of initial feedback further consultation should take place on a proposal to amend the boundaries of the Parishes of Matlock and South Darley so that future housing developments in the Oker and Snitterton Ward of South Darley Parish Council are included in a new Cawdor Ward of Matlock Town Council.


The report also includes details of the review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations which took place to reflect the revised District Council electoral arrangements and puts forward a number of recommendations.


A summary of representations received can be found on the Community Governance Review Pages on our Website

Additional documents:


The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report providing details of feedback received during the first stage of a Community Governance Review of the Parishes of Darley Dale, Matlock and South Darley carried out as a result of the new District Council warding and parish arrangements proposed by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.


It proposed that as a result of initial feedback further consultation should take place on a proposal to amend the boundaries of the Parishes of Matlock and South Darley so that future housing developments in the Oker and Snitterton Ward of South Darley Parish Council would be included in a new Cawdor Ward of Matlock Town Council.


The report also included details of the review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations which took place to reflect the revised District Council electoral arrangements and put forward a number of recommendations for Members to consider.


The report advised that any additional responses received between the statutory deadline for publishing the agenda and the deadline for consultation responses would be reported to the Council. The updated report provides details of additional responses, including South Darley Parish and Darley Dale and Matlock Town Councils and proposed additional recommendations 3 and 4 below to reflect the feedback.


It was moved by Councillor Susan Hobson, seconded by Councillor Colin Swindell and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1.    That the recommended changes to Polling Places and Polling Stations as set out in paragraphs 1.2.7 to 1.2.13 of the report be approved.

2.    That the Director of Corporate and Customer Services be authorised to carry out further consultation on a proposal to move the shaded area identified in Appendix 3 from the Parish of South Darley to the Parish of Matlock.

3.    That the Director of Corporate and Customer Services be authorised to carry out further consultation on a proposal to move the shaded area identified in Appendix 9 from the Parish of Darley Dale to the Parish of Matlock.

4.    That the Director of Corporate and Customer Services be authorised to carry out further consultation on a proposal to incorporate the Parish of Northwood and Tinkersley in to the Parish of Darley Dale.

5.    That any changes required as a result of this review be brought back to Council before 1 October 2022 to consider any proposed changes and any representations received before the arrangements are approved by Members.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.




Household Support Fund pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To inform Members of the outcome of the initial Household Support Fund period 16th October 2021 to 31st March 2022 and the proposals for the Household Support Fund 2 for Period 1st April 2022 to 30th September 2022.


The Director of Regulatory Services introduced a report informing Members of the outcome of the initial Household Support Fund period 16 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 and seeking approval for the proposals as laid out in the report for the Household Support Fund 2 for period 1st April 2022 to 30 September 2022.


The Household Support Fund directly supports households experiencing financial difficulties relating to rent arrears, utility bills and other debts. Such issues can have a long lasting detrimental impact on the ability of residents to maintain rental payments and can lead to homelessness. The provision of the Fund therefore meets the Council’s objective of reducing homelessness.


There is no revenue budget for this expenditure so it is necessary to seek approval for a supplementary revenue estimate of £100,000 in 2022/23. However, as indicated in the report, the expenditure will be funded by grants (£84,000 from the Household Support Fund allocation and £16,000 from homelessness prevention grant).  Expenditure will be monitored by officers to ensure that it does not exceed the grant available.


It was moved by Councillor Mike Ratcliffe, seconded by Councillor Garry Purdy and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1.  The outturn for the first round is noted.

2.  That approval is given for the delivery of round 2 as set out in the report.

3.  That approval is given to a supplementary revenue estimate of £100,000 in 2022/23 for expenditure associated with the Household Support Fund, to be funded by grants (£84,000 from the Household Support Fund allocation and £16,000 from homelessness prevention grant).


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.




Development of Small Solar Farms on Council Owned Land pdf icon PDF 497 KB

To present the findings of a technical and financial feasibility study carried out on five Council owned sites, exploring the possibility of developing small solar PV farms and seek approval for the necessary next steps in order to move a single viable site, at Watery Lane, to ‘phase two’ with an ambition of completing the scheme towards the end of 2024.

Additional documents:


The Director of Regulatory Services introduced a report presenting the findings of a technical and financial feasibility study carried out on five Council owned sites, exploring the possibility of developing small solar PV farms. The report sought approval for the necessary next steps in order to move a single viable site, at Watery Lane, Ashbourne to ‘phase two’ with an ambition of completing this scheme towards the end of 2024.


The first part of the ‘phase two’ work is acceptance by the Council of a grid connection offer. As the grid connection situation changes regularly and capacity can be short, this is one of the early priorities for action. In simple terms a grid connection is not necessary where there is an offtaker, such as Severn Trent, who is willing to buy all of the generating asset’s output. However, if the offtaker’s business closes or relocates for any reason, the Council will be left with a ‘stranded asset’ i.e. a solar farm which cannot get its electricity to any buyers. For this reason, it is almost universal practice where public money is involved to go for a grid connection, even if it is considered unnecessary at the start. Then, if the situation changes, the Council would always have the option to switch to sales on the wholesale market via the grid.


During debate, a question was raised as to whether the Solar Farm would be on the Allotment ground, the Director of Regulatory Services confirmed it would not be on the Allotment ground and grazing rights could also continue on the Solar Farm ground.


During debate, Councillor David Hughes suggested a letter be written to Ofgem re connections into the National Grid asking for an upgrade to rural infrastructure to accept smaller and larger developments.


The Officer recommendations were moved by Councillor David Chapman with the following amendment:


That authority be given to write to Ofgem to consider improving access for smaller and larger developments to feed into the National Grid.’


This was seconded by Councillor Mark Wakeman and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1.  That the report attached in Appendix One and the associated business and financial cases in Appendix Two are received.

2.  That Council approves the recommendation in the attached report to move to ‘phase two’ of development work in respect of the Watery Lane, Ashbourne site.

3.  That approval is given to a supplementary revenue budget of £40,000 for consultancy relating to the next stage of work required, to be financed from the General Reserve.

4.   That authority be given to write to Ofgem to consider improving access for smaller and larger developments to feed into the National Grid.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.




Interim Electric Vehicle Strategy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This report presents an interim high level strategy setting out Council priorities and approach for encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the installation of EV charging infrastructure in the Derbyshire Dales.

Additional documents:


The Director of Regulatory Services introduced a report presenting an interim high level strategy setting out Council priorities for approval and the approach for encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the installation of EV charging infrastructure in the Derbyshire Dales.


The interim strategy is intended to be directional, a high level vision rather than setting out a plan for delivery. It covers the period 2022-2024 and enables the Council to apply for funding from the On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme in 2022/23


Officers will work in collaboration with DCC going forward, including a potential bid to the £450m LEVI (Low Emission Vehicle Infrastructure) fund. This will be launched later in 2022/23 including £50m of multi-year resource funding for local authorities, to enable them to have dedicated resource for the planning and delivery of local EV charging infrastructure in their areas. The funding will help provide the staff needed to deliver these projects, in all parts of the country.  Details of the fund are not yet available but it is likely that a fully assessed and costed scheme, including investment from the private sector, would need to be developed prior to any application. The demands and needs assessment currently being undertaken by DCC is the first part of this scheme development.  Indicative timings suggest that the LEVI bid will be submitted in Spring/Summer 2023 with mobilisation of contract and delivery of charging points from late 2024 onwards.


It was moved by Councillor Martin Burfoot, seconded by Councillor Tom Donnelly and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1.  That the interim strategy is approved.

2.  That the Council continues to collaborate with partner local authorities on a more detailed strategic approach to charge point installation and plan for delivery.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.




Duration of meetings (Motion to continue)


At 8.27pm, prior to consideration of Item 10 Councillor Chris Furness and Councillor Jacqueline Allison left the meeting.


It was moved by Councillor Jason Atkin, seconded by Councillor Tom Donnelly and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


That, in accordance with Rule of procedure 13, the meeting continue beyond 2 hours 30 minutes to enable the business on the agenda to be concluded.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.


Meeting reconvened 8:38pm


Recommendations From The Constitution Working Group - Proposed Amendments To The Articles Of The Constitution, Responsibility For Functions And Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 196 KB

To submit the recommendations of the Constitution Working Group in respect of proposed amendments to various parts of the Constitution and seek the Council’s approval and adoption of the proposed revisions.

Additional documents:


The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report submitting the recommendations of the Constitution Working Group in respect of proposed amendments to various parts of the Constitution and to seek the Council’s approval and adoption of the proposed revisions.


In introducing the working group’s recommendations, the Director reported that the full Council would continue to take all decisions in respect of new strategies or policies or where proposals represented a major departure from agreed policy. Within the proposed framework, policy committees would have authority to review and develop policy and make amendments to policies other than where the Council had reserved that function to itself or where the change was so politically significant that it would require a decision of the full Council.

The Constitution Working Group recommended the establishment of a Scrutiny Committee. The group have prepared draft terms of reference and procedure rules for the operation of the Scrutiny Committee, the functions are summarised as:

·         Holding Policy Committees to account for decisions taken – either through call-in prior to a decision being implemented or through post implementation review of a policy, procedure or service change

·         Developing or reviewing an existing policy, procedure or way of working within the Council

·         Monitoring and reviewing the performance indicators in respect of service provision

·         Scrutiny of external bodies


The Director of Corporate and Customer Services thanked all members of the Constitution Working Group for their input and Councillor Hughes for assisting with the development of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


It was moved by Councillor Tony Morley, seconded by Councillor Mike Ratcliffe and




1. That the functions of the Council be confirmed as all new strategies and policies, those matters reserved by the law and any matters that the Council resolves to reserve to itself; as well as responsibility for the approval of the following specific strategies and policies:

a) Revenue and Capital Budgets, including determination of the Council Tax and the Local Council Tax Support Scheme

b) The Corporate Plan

c) The Performance Plan

d) The Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy

e) The Development Plan documents and the plans and alterations which together comprise the Development Plan, known as the Local Plan

f) The Licensing Authority Policy Statement under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005

g) The Medium Term Financial Strategy

h) The plan or strategy for the control of the Council’s borrowing, investments or capital expenditure or for determining the Council’s minimum revenue provision.

2.  That the Policy Committees be authorised to review and approve amendments to existing policy matters that are not reserved to Council or delegated to officers relating to the functions within service areas listed in their respective terms of reference at Part 3 of the Constitution.

3. That the term of reference of the Policy Committees be amended to include the following:

a) The formulation, development and implementation of the Council’s overall budget and policy framework, including recommending to Council where such matters are required in respect of new strategies or policies  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80/22


Membership Of Political Groups, Political Balance And Entitlement To Seats On Committees pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To report on the updated membership of political groups on the Council, the change to the political balance of the authority following Councillor Gamble’s decision to become a member of the Independent Group and the revised entitlement of political groups to seats on committees for the remainder of the 2022/23 municipal year.

Additional documents:


The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report on the updated membership of political groups on the Council, the change to the

Political balance of the authority following Councillor Gamble’s decision to become a member of the Independent Group and the revised entitlement of political groups to seats on committees for the remainder of the 2022/23 municipal year.


The Conservatives and Councillors Bright, Elliott & Salt Group continue to hold the majority of seats on the Council and is in overall control of the authority. The political balance of the Council is now:


Name of Group

Name of Group

Designated Leader


Name of Group

Designated Leader

Number of Members


Conservative & Councillors Bright, Elliott & Salt

Councillor Purdy


Green & Independent

Councillor Buttle



Councillor Swindell



Councillor Ratcliffe


Liberal Democrat

Councillor Flitter




Name of Group                       Designated Leader       Number of Members

                                                    Councillor Purdy                          22

Bright, Elliott & Salt

Green & Independent             Councillor Buttle                           4

Independent                             Councillor Swindell                     3

Labour                                       Councillor Ratcliffe                      3

Liberal Democrat                      Councillor Flitter                           7


The Director of Corporate and Customer Services verbally reported a change to recommended number of seats on the Planning Committee and the Licensing and Appeals Committee, with the former recommended to have 15 seats and the latter to have 13 seats, albeit only 12 seats would be filled to meet the proportionality requirements.  


It was moved by Councillor Jason Atkin, seconded by Councillor David Hughes and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1. That the operation of five political groups on the Council and the detail of their designated Leaders be noted:

a) Conservative Group and Cllrs Bright, Elliott and Salt – Councillor Garry Purdy

b) Green and Independent Group – Councillor Neil Buttle

c)  Independent Group – Councillor Colin Swindell

d) Labour Group – Councillor Mike Ratcliffe

e) Liberal Democrat Group – Councillor Steve Flitter

2. That the Council notes, and agrees, the entitlement of the membership of the political groups and that such entitlements have been reflected in the allocations to Committees.

3. That authority be delegated to Political Group leaders to nominate representatives from their groups to fill vacancies in accordance with the agreed seat entitlement, with those nominations taking immediate effect on committees and working groups.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.


Performance Management - Key and Corporate Performance Indicators Outturn 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

This report summarises the outturn performance against the District Council’s Corporate Plan Targets and Key Performance Indicators for the full year 2021/22, which is the second year of the current Corporate Plan 2020-24, agreed at Council on 5th March 2020. The report highlights where services have performed strongly and where improvements can be made.

Additional documents:


The Director of Regeneration and Policy introduced a report for Members to note summarising the outturn performance against the District Council’s Corporate Plan Targets and Key Performance Indicators for the full year 2021/22, which is the second year of the current Corporate Plan 2020-24, agreed at Council on 5th March 2020. The report highlighted where services have performed strongly and where improvements can be made.


It was moved by Councillor Susan Hobson, seconded by Councillor Tom Donnelly and


RESOLVED (Unanimously)


1. The outturn performance against Corporate Plan targets for 2021/22 be noted.

2. The outturn performance against the Key Performance Indicators for 2021/22 be noted.

3.  That bi-annual reports continue to be brought to Members to highlight progress, demonstrate good performance, and address areas for improvement.


The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.