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No. | Item |
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 176 KB 9 February 2023
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dermot Murphy, Seconded by Councillor Sue Bull and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the minutes of the meeting of the Community and Environment Committee held on 09 February 2023 be approved as a correct record.
The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED. |
Public Participation PDF 104 KB To enable members of the public to ask questions, express views or present petitions, IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, (by telephone, in writing or by email) BY NO LATER THAN 12 NOON OF THE WORKING DAY PRECEDING THE MEETING. As per Procedural Rule 14.4 at any one meeting no person may submit more than 3 questions and no more than 1 such question may be asked on behalf of one organisation.
Minutes: In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Peter Dobbs (Local Resident) made comments regarding the Ashbourne Air Quality Management Area Action Plan, Ms Clare Gamble (Local Resident) and Mr John Youatt (Planning Agent for the owners of the Woodyard) made comments on the update report of the Gypsy and Traveller site provision working group. |
Interests Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at the time. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Questions Pursuant to Rule of Procedure Number 15 To answer questions from Members who have given the appropriate notice. Minutes: No questions were received. |
Supported Housing Improvement Programme PDF 122 KB Derbyshire Dales District Council have been successful in a joint bid with all Derbyshire District and Borough Councils and Staffordshire Moorlands Council to take part in the Supported Housing Improvement Program. This report sets out the arrangements for delivering the Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP). Minutes: The Housing Strategy Officer introduced a report informing members that the District Council had been successful in a joint bid, with all Derbyshire District and Borough Councils and Staffordshire Moorlands Council, to take part in the Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP). The report gave details of the Programme and set out the arrangements for delivery.
Supported housing aims to provide accommodation to those who struggle to obtain and maintain independent living. It was noted within the report that following the demise of the Supporting People Programme, the sector had become largely unregulated. Several new unregistered providers had set up schemes for which the Council were liable for a proportion of the rent paid by housing benefit. The cost of this across Derbyshire and Staffordshire Moorlands was £1.5m per year.
Following the successful SHIP Round 2 bid, Derbyshire and Staffordshire Moorlands Councils had been awarded a grant of £687,230 over the programme period. The Programme would be a DLUHC funded pilot which would run from December 2022 to March 2025. Members were informed that the aim of the pilot would be to implement a number of interventions that would improve the quality of support, the standard of accommodation and increase the oversight and value for money. It was noted that the planned interventions had been tried and tested previously in other local authority areas during an earlier pilot.
It was moved by Councillor David Hughes, seconded by Councillor Steve Wain and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
1. That the District Council’s successful partnership bid to the Supported Housing Improvement Programme be noted.
2. That the expenditure of the Supported Housing Improvement Programme grant be approved.
3. That a future report detailing the delivery of the Supported Housing Improvement Programme be presented to Members.
The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED. |
Fees and Charges - Local Land Charges and Legal Services PDF 125 KB This report highlights the need to review the recently agreed Fees and Charges in respect of Local Land Charges in view of Derbyshire County Council’s decision to increase fees for CON29 searches. It also seeks to confirm a fee that was not included in the report to the Governance and Resources Committee on 16 February 2023. Minutes: The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report highlighting the need to review the recently agreed Fees and Charges in respect of Local Land Charges in view of Derbyshire County Council’s decision to increase fees for CON29 searches. The report also sought to confirm a fee that was not included in the report to the Governance and Resources Committee on 16 February 2023.
The Local Land Charges service provides searches and information to the conveyancing and property industry. These searches and information consist of:
· LLC1 – Search of the Local Land Charges Register · CON29 – Enquiries of District Councils · Personal Searches of the Local Land Charges register for which a fee cannot be charged · Property information under the 2008 Regulations · The inspection of property information under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004.
The report informed Members of the percentage increase to charges that the County Council would levy in 2023/24. Also included in the report was the County Council’s formal response to representations received from Officers at District and Borough Authorities across Derbyshire, which set out the position of the County Council and reasoning for the increased charges.
It was moved by Councillor Richard FitzHerbert, seconded by Councillor Susan Hobson and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
1. That the fees for the Local Land Charges Service in the 2023/24 financial year be confirmed as:
(a) Official Search Fee (LLC1 + Con29R) £179.20 (b) LLC1 £32.00 (c) Con29R £148.20 (d) Con 29O £32.40 (per question and where information is to be provided by Derbyshire County Council) (e) Con 29O (per question) £13.20 (f) Additional Parcel of Land £13.80 (g) Written enquiries (solicitors own questions) £15.00 (h) Personal Search of the Register £0.00 (all inclusive of VAT)
2. That the fee for the sale of Council Land, sale of Land by Tender and sale of Land by Action levied by Legal Services in the 2023/24 financial year be confirmed as a maximum of 1.5% of the sale price (subject to minimum of £507.47).
The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED. |
Update Report of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Provision Working Group PDF 116 KB This update report is submitted to provide Members, affected stakeholders and the wider public with the current position on the Council’s search for appropriate temporary sites for those specific homeless Traveller families with an accepted local connection to the Derbyshire Dales. Minutes: Councillor Susan Hobson, Chair of the Gypsy and Traveller Site Provision Working Group, introduced a report which updated Members, affected stakeholders and the wider public on the current position of the Council’s search for appropriate temporary sites for those specific Gypsy and Traveller families to whom the District Council have a statutory homelessness duty.
The update had been prepared by the cross party, Member-led working group to make recommendations to the Council proposing the designation of locations in the District as being suitable for temporary occupation by the specific Gypsy and Traveller families.
Councillor David Hughes moved the recommendations as set out in the report, with the additional proposal as set out below, this was seconded by Councillor Martin Burfoot:
“That a further assessment of the viability of the District Council’s Depot in Ashbourne be carried out to determine whether it could be established as a temporary or permanent Traveller site.”
During debate, an amendment was moved by Councillor Sue Bull and seconded by Councillor Susan Hobson to remove the additional proposal, regarding the Ashbourne Depot site, from the substantive motion. This amendment was then put to a recorded vote as requested by Councillor Steve Wain and seconded by Councillor Peter O’Brien, this is detailed below:
For: 8 Councillors: Sue Bull, Richard FitzHerbert, Helen Froggatt, Chris Furness, Susan Hobson, Tony Morley, Dermot Murphy and Janet Rose.
Against: 8 Councillors: Matt Buckler, Martin Burfoot, Neil Buttle, David Hughes, Peter O’Brien, Mike Ratcliffe, Andrew Statham and Steve Wain.
Abstention: 0 Councillors
The Chairman used their casting vote FOR the amendment and declared the amendment CARRIED.
The amended substantive motion was then put to a recorded vote and
1. That further work be undertaken to provide a full appraisal of the privately owned site to assess its viability for the potential delivery of a temporary site in order for the Council to make an informed decision, having regard for all relevant information.
2. That officers be recommended to make an agreement with Total Parking Solutions in respect of the provision of coach parking at Cromford Meadows as an alternative location for coaches to park during the use of the Matlock Bath Station Car Park.
As requested by Councillor Peter O’Brien and seconded by Councillor Martin Burfoot, the recorded vote is detailed below:
For: 15 Councillors: Matt Buckler, Sue Bull, Martin Burfoot, Neil Buttle, Richard FitzHerbert, Helen Froggatt, Chris Furness, Susan Hobson, David Hughes, Tony Morley, Dermot Murphy, Mike Ratcliffe, Janet Rose, Andrew Statham and Steve Wain.
Against: 0 Councillors
Abstention: 1 Councillor: Peter O’Brien.
The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED. |