Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock, DE4 3NN. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Please advise the Democratic Services Team on 01629 761133 or email of any apologies for absence. |
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting 14 January 2025 |
Interests Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. |
Public Participation To provide members of the public who have given prior notice (by no later than 12 Noon on the working day prior to the meeting) with the opportunity to express views, ask questions or submit petitions relating to planning applications under consideration. Representations will be invited immediately before the relevant item of business/planning application is discussed. Details of the Council’s Scheme are reproduced overleaf. To register to speak on-line, please click here Speak at Planning Committee. Alternatively email: or telephone 01629 761133. |
Applications for Determination Please note that for the following items, references to financial, legal and environmental considerations and equal opportunities and disability issues will be embodied within the text of the report, where applicable. |
Application No. 24/00546/OUT Outline planning application for the erection of up to 70no. dwelling houses with approval being sought for access and all other matters reserved. Additional documents: