Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock, DE4 3NN. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting 13th August 2024 Minutes: It was moved by Councillor David Hughes, seconded by Councillor Peter Slack and
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 13 August 2024 be approved as a correct record, following the amendment detailed below:
That minute item 111/24 – INTERESTS be amended to read as follows:
“…Councillor Sue Burfoot declared a non-pecuniary interest in the two applications above as a supporter of Matlock Civic Association. Matlock Civic Association attended this meeting to speak against the above applications.”
11 For 00 Against 02 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Interests Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. Minutes: Item 5.8 - APP NO. 24/00625/VCOND – Variation of conditions 2, 4 and 8 of planning application no. 23/00959/LBALT – Various changes to related conditions at Market Place and Victoria Square, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1EX.
Councillors David Hughes, Peter Dobbs, Stuart Lees and Anthony Bates declared non-pecuniary interests in Item 5.8 as Members of the Ashbourne Reborn Programme Board. |
Application No. 23/01206/FUL Following the Committee’s decision to over-turn the recommendation for application 23/01206/FUL, the wording of the decision is attached for ratification as it was not identified in full at the last planning committee.
23/01206/FUL Erection of 4no. dwellinghouses and associated garages with demolition of existing dwellinghouse and outbuildings
Ivy House Farm, Main Road, Wyaston, Derbyshire
The proposal by virtue of its layout and design approach is not considered to reflect or enhance the character of Wyaston or the characteristics of villages within the Derbyshire Dales. Furthermore, the proposed development of 4 (2 4-bedroom and 2 5-bedroom) detached dwellings is not considered to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable, balanced and inclusive community.
It is considered that the provision of 4 dwellings does not outweigh the District Council's inability to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply.
Given the above two paragraphs the proposal is considered to be contrary to the aims of Policies PD1, and HC11 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017) and government guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. Minutes: Following the Committee’s decision to over-turn the recommendation for application 23/01206/FUL, the wording of the decision as below was presented to Members for noting.
23/01206/FUL - Erection of 4no. dwellinghouses and associated garages with demolition of existing dwellinghouse and outbuildings Ivy House Farm, Main Road, Wyaston, Derbyshire.
The proposal by virtue of its layout and design approach is not considered to reflect or enhance the character of Wyaston or the characteristics of villages within the Derbyshire Dales. Furthermore, the proposed development of 4 (2 4-bedroom and 2 5-bedroom) detached dwellings is not considered to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable, balanced and inclusive community.
It is considered that the provision of 4 dwellings does not outweigh the District Council's inability to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. 2 Given the above two paragraphs the proposal is considered to be contrary to the aims of Policies PD1, and HC11 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017) and government guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.
It was moved by Councillor Neil Buttle, seconded by Councillor Stuart Lees and
That the formal wording of the reasons for refusal of application 23/01206/FUL, as detailed above, be noted.
11 For 00 Against 02 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 22/00640/FUL Enlargement of existing ground floor retail unit, change of use and conversion of storage building to Use Class E(g)(i) office and 7 no. apartments and demolition of workshop building and erection of replacement building comprising of 4no. apartments at Stones Builders Merchants, Wood Street, Wirksworth, Derbyshire, DE4 4DW. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that as this application had been withdrawn following publication of the agenda, it would therefore not be considered at this meeting. |
Application No. 24/00346/FUL Conversion and extension of existing garage and barn to form holiday let accommodation (resubmission) at Oker Farm, Aston Lane, Oker, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 2JP. Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Martin Seddon (local resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Peter O’Brien, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That planning permission be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. This planning permission relates to: Location Plan received 16/04/2024; Proposed block and floor plans received 16/04/2024; Proposed Elevations received 16/04/2024.
Reason: To define the planning permission for the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development to comply with policies S1, PD1 and PD5 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).
2. The accommodation hereby approved shall be used solely for the purposes of temporary holiday accommodation and shall not at any time be occupied as permanent residential accommodation. No person shall occupy the holiday accommodation for a continuous period of more than 28 days in any calendar year or more than a total of 8 weeks in a calendar year and it shall not be re-occupied by the same person/s within 28 days following the end of that period. A register of all occupiers of the holiday accommodation, detailing dates of occupation, names and usual addresses, shall be maintained by the owner(s) and a copy shall be provided to Local Authority upon written request.
Reason: The development is not considered appropriate other than as a holiday facility because it is outside any Settlement Framework boundary and does not accord with the Development Plan policies for general housing, namely policies S1 and S4, of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017)
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no external alterations or additions shall be made to any dwelling hereby approved and no buildings, extensions, gates, fences or walls (other than those expressly authorised by this permission) shall be carried out within the curtilage of any dwelling without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority upon an application submitted to it. Reason: To preserve the character and appearance of the original building and its surroundings in accordance with policies S1, PD1, PD2 and PD5 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).
4. Details of parking for two cars and associated manoeuvring area shall be submitted for approval to the local planning authority and shall be provided within the site curtilage prior to occupation in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In accordance with policy HC21 Car Parking Standards.
5. A sample roofing tile shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to being fixed to the roof. The development shall ... view the full minutes text for item 129/24 |
Application No. 23/01330/FUL Installation of air conditioning system at Carsington and Hopton (Voluntary Aided) Church of England Primary School, School Lane, Carsington, Derbyshire, DE4 4JN. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that consideration of this item would be deferred to a future meeting of the Committee.
Application No. 24/00233/FUL Erection of 16 no. dwellinghouses and 2 no. apartments with associated works at Land North of Hawthorn House, Clifton Road, Clifton, Derbyshire. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that consideration of this item would be deferred to a future meeting of the Committee. |
Application No. 23/01101/OUT Outline application for erection of 1no. dwellinghouse with associated garage and erection of stores and builders’ workshop with associated demolition at Red House Stables, Old Road, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, DE4 2ER. Additional documents: Minutes: The Interim Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Peter Burns (Agent) spoke in support of the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Stuart Lees, seconded by Councillor Lucy Peacock and
That authority be delegated to the Development Manager to approve planning permission subject to the agreement of a Section 106 agreement, and the additional conditions as set out in the report.
06 For 05 Against 01 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 24/00571/VCOND Variation of condition 2 of planning application 21/00617/FUL – reinstatement of external cladding at 2 Hollow Brook, Clatterway, Bonsall, Derbyshire, DE4 2AH. Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Development Management Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Damion Taylor (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of comments from District Councillor Matt Buckler.
It was moved by Councillor Peter O’Brien, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the variation application be refused for the reasons set out in the report.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 24/00625/VCOND Variation of conditions 2, 4 and 8 of planning application no. 23/00959/LBALT – Various changes to related conditions at Market Place and Victoria Square, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1EX. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors David Hughes, Stuart Lees, Peter Dobbs and Anthony Bates left the meeting during consideration of this item. They declared non-pecuniary interests in this item as Members of the Ashbourne Reborn Programme Board.
The Principal Development Management Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
There were no speakers under public participation.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of comments received from Michael Gallimore.
It was moved by Councillor Robert Archer, seconded by Councillor Peter Slack and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Appeals Progress Report To consider a status report on appeals made to the Planning Inspectorate. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Peter Dobbs, seconded by Councillor Anthony Bates and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the report be noted.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |