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Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee.

Information about Planning Committee

The Planning Committee implements planning policy, the development of which is carried out by the Council. It does this through dealing with regulatory business i.e. determining all planning applications. Meetings are held every four weeks in order to meet the Council's targets for determinations within a set timetable.


1. To act on behalf of the District Council as the Local Planning Authority as prescribed in statute.


2. To determine applications for planning permission and other consents unless delegated to an appropriate officer.


3. To determine applications where development would be a departure from the agreed Local Plan or Local Development Framework.


4. To determine applications where the application is to be referred to the Secretary of State on direction.


5. To determine applications for major development where the District Council is the applicant.


6. To determine applications where the applicant is an employee of the District Council or a member of their household.


7. To determine applications where the applicant is an Elected Member or a member of their household.


8. To comment on planning applications submitted to or by other local Planning Authorities and statutory undertakers.


9. To evoke or modify planning permissions.


10. To designate and amend Conservation Areas.


11. To declare areas of Special Advertisement Control.


12. To authorise agreements under S. 106 o the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


13. To receive reports relating to action instigated by the local Planning Authority in relation to enforcement action.