Agenda item

Application No. 23/00463/FUL

Erection of 33no. dwellinghouses, vehicular access, public open space, drainage, landscaping and associated works at land south of Mercaston Lane and east of Luke Lane, Brailsford.


The Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.


The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.


In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Stuart Wells (Agent) spoke in support of the application. Mr Michael Cannon (Local Resident) spoke against the application and Cllr Geoff Bond (Ward Member) commented on the application.


Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.


Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of comments received from Local Residents, an update from the Agent following consultations with the relevant consultees. Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust responded and requested a combined contribution of £55,987.00 towards health care provision and based on this the recommendation in section 8.0 of the report was revised.


It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Laura Melstrom and




1.    That Planning authority be delegated to the Development Manager or Principal Planning Officer in consultation with Co-Chairs and Vice Chair to approve any amendments to conditions as deemed necessary and grant planning permission subject to the completion of a S.106 planning obligation agreement that secures the delivery of 10 affordable dwellings of an appropriate tenure (a minimum of 25% of which should be first homes), £55,987.00 towards health care provision,  £138,089.35 contribution towards the provision of 3 infant and 4 junior places at Brailsford CE (Controlled) Primary School (and additional education facilities), £5613.30 to be used to upgrade or enhance existing children’s play facilities in the area and £1950.30 towards the delivery of allotments in the area or wider district and subject to the following:


  1. The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the following approved plans and documents, subject to the following conditions:


·         Site Location Plan – 2328-01

·         Proposed Site Layout – 2328-03-U

·         Materials Plan – 2328-04 Rev E

·         Storey Heights Plan – 2328-05 Rev E

·         Boundary Treatments Plan – 2328-06 Rev E

·         Landscape Masterplan – FPCR-XX-XX-DR-L-0001 P04

·         House Types:

o Housetype 535 – H-1-535-RURAL

o Housetype 761 – H-2-761-RURAL

o Housetype 920 – H-3-920-RURAL

o Housetype Annesley – H-2-783-ANNESLEY-RURAL

o Housetype Barton – H-2-838-BARTON-RURAL

o Housetype Chapman – H-3-1009-CHAPMAN-RURAL

o Housetype Godwin – H-4-1327-GODWIN-RURAL

o Housetype Denver – H-3-1383-DENVER-FORMAL 1

o Housetype Heywood – H-4-1425-HEYWOOD-RURAL

o Housetype Birch – reference TBC

·         FRA and Drainage Strategy – LLBR-BSP-XX-XX-D-C-0190 P04

·         Design and Access Statement, prepared by White Ridge

·         Transport Statement, prepared by Rappor

·         Proposed Speed Limit Relocation & Gateway feature – 220855-RAP-XX-XX-DR-TP-6000

·         Refuse Tracking Plan 220855-TP-4102 P03

·         Fire Tender Tracking Plan 220855-TP-4101 P03

·         Estate Car Tracking Plan 220855-TP-4100 P03

·         Internal Visibility Assessment and Geometric Plan 220855-TP-3200 P03

·         Travel Plan, prepared by Rappor

·         Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy, prepared by BSP

·         Ecological Appraisal Rev A Dated December 2023, prepared by FPCR

·         Proposed Habitat Enhancement Plan

·         Baseline Habitat Plan

·         BNG Metric

·         Arboricultural Assessment, Tree Survey and Tree Schedule, prepared by FPCR • Desktop Archaeological Statement, prepared by Cgms

·         Landscape and Visual Assessment, prepared by FPCR

·         Site Investigation – prepared by asl

·         Affordable Housing Statement – prepared by Evolve Planning

·         Statement of Community Engagement – prepared by Evolve Planning

·         Climate Change Statement, prepared by Evolve Planning


Members also agreed with the inclusion of the DWT conditions (as read by the interim Development Manager) and the inclusion of a condition requiring the use of sustainable water harvesting and use of grey water within the proposal.




10 For

01 Against

03 Abstentions


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.

Supporting documents: