Questions, if any, from Members who have given notice.
Question from Councillor Susan Hobson to Councillor Steve Flitter, Leader of the Council:
“Can you explain the decision making process for granting the urgent decision to give an extra hour of free parking to residents between 3 and 4 each day?”
Councillor Flitter provided the following response.
An urgent decision was taken by the Director of Corporate and Customer Services on 16 February 2024 following consultation with the Chair of the Community and Environment Committee. Further consultation had taken place with the Leaders of the Progressive Alliance and the matter of offering free parking during this time had also been discussed within the Car Park Review Group and was seen very favourably.
It had been intended that the decision would be taken by Committee, as is usual practice, but delays on the progress of the car park review working group and the impending deadline associated with the production of resident concession permits, meant we needed to work at a greater pace.
The residents’ survey in April 2023 highlighted the desire of local residents to see the hours of the resident concession permit extended.
The vast amount (74%) of car parking income to the Council is taken before 3pm.
Data was obtained for transactions that took place between 3pm and 4pm for a 12-month period spanning November 2021-October 2022 and the income generated was only £72,000. We estimate that between 20-25% of those transactions were made by residents.
I can report to Council that, at the end of the first quarter of this financial year, car parking income via pay and display machines and pay by phone is up almost £100,000 against budget, indicating that the extended hours for the residents’ concession do not appear to have affected income levels.
In addition, income from the sales of second concession permits is up. This Council received £3,016 for the whole of last year from the sale of second resident concession permits. So far this financial year we have received £4,300, which exceeds the annual budget of £3,050, as well as last year’s total income.
Very good feedback from residents at the time of promoting the scheme.
Cllr Simon Spencer, at the Ashbourne Reborn Programme Board earlier this week, commended this policy change citing positive benefits to parking around school drop off time.
Question from Councillor Susan Hobson to Councillor Steve Flitter, Leader of the Council:
“Please can Councillor Flitter give a commitment that the splash pad water facilities at Ashbourne, Bakewell and Matlock will be available for the whole school summer holidays for the benefit of all children visiting these parks?”
Councillor Flitter provided the following response.
The Council has no plans to close any of the splash pads in Ashbourne, Bakewell and Matlock.