Agenda item

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF): Update and Investment Priority E14 - Feasibility Studies

The report updates Members on UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) delivery and considers the decision of the UKSPF Partnership Board meeting held on 20th June 2024, in relation to the allocation in the Investment Plan against Investment Priority E14: Feasibility Studies. The revised approach has been agreed with partners in order to meet the spend and output requirements before 31st March 2025.


This report also seeks approval to re-allocate external funding from the Council’s revenue budget to its capital programme to facilitate the above.


The Director of Place and Economy and the Economic Development Manager introduced a report updating Members on UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) delivery and detailed the decision of the UKSPF Partnership Board meeting held on 20th June 2024, in relation to the allocation in the Investment Plan against Investment Priority E14: Feasibility Studies. The revised approach had been agreed with partners in order to meet the spend and output requirements before 31st March 2025. The report also sought approval to re-allocate external funding from the Council’s revenue budget to its capital programme to facilitate this.


Funded by Government, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) partially replaced funding previously provided by the European Union. REPF was a rural ‘top-up’ to UKSPF and the combined fund was delivered as a single programme. Members were informed that the Derbyshire Dales had been allocated a total of £2.7m capital and revenue to be spent by 31 March 2025. It was noted that the Council was the Lead Local Authority for UKSPF / REPF.


Members were updated on the position regarding the UKSPF Investment Plan and details of the REPF Addendum submission at the 2nd March 2023 Council meeting. The overall Investment Plan was on track for delivery as per the original investment plan. One full financial year of delivery had now been completed and the current programme budget being worked to was detailed in section 1.8 of the report.


The UKSPF Board recognised at their meeting on 20th June 2024 that unforeseen delays with the development of Investment Priority E14 required revisions to the plans to meet output, outcome and budgetary targets. To meet the objectives of UKSPF, the Investment Plan focused on prioritisation of site investigations, feasibility work, master-planning and other assessments to inform the delivery of strategic development sites with a focus on sites on the edge of market town within the Derbyshire Dales.


Members were informed that Ashbourne had attracted investment of £13.4m from central government Levelling Up funding and an additional £1.8m local match funding to deliver regeneration within the town. Ashbourne Reborn was led by the Council and working with key partners, the programme was progressing. As part of the consultation, Ashbourne Town Team had identified there was a missing piece of work to ensure this unique legacy regeneration was carried forward. Supported by the Ashbourne Reborn Programme Board, and endorsed by the UKSPF Partnership Board on 20th June 2024, Ashbourne Town Team had proposed work with an agreed contracting body to commission a feasibility study and Business Improvement District (BID) development. In order to deliver a BID Feasibility Study, an agreed contracting body would issue the tender documentation and contract on behalf of Ashbourne Town Team and would be the financially accountable body for the contract. Should the feasibility study be positive, the Council would need to formally approve taking forward a BID at the time in order for a ballot to be held.


Councillor David Hughes proposed the following motion, this was seconded by Councillor Peter O’Brien.


1.     That the update on the Derbyshire Dales UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme is noted, with progress to date and delivery risks received and agreed.


2.     That the ongoing recruitment challenges impacting the delivery of the programme, as reported to Members on 13 July 2023 and updated in this report, are noted.


3.     That in accordance with the decisions of the UKSPF Partnership Board meeting held 20th June 2024, amendments to the Investment Plan are approved as follows:


i.                 The extension to contract for Derbyshire Dales District Council for Voluntary Services (£105,000) as set out in section 3.1 of the report and the cap of £10,000 per study is relaxed in exceptional circumstances.

ii.                The re-allocation of £64,500 (included within the £105,000) revenue funding to capital funding from E14.


4.     That Council approves the transfer of £64,5000 in 2024/25 from the revenue budget for Economic Development Feasibility Studies to the Capital Programme Project Number 675 (Community Resilience Grant), funded by grants from UKSPF and REPF.


During debate, the following amendment was moved by Councillor Laura Mellstrom and seconded by Councillor Nick Whitehead:


1.     That the update on the Derbyshire Dales UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme is noted, with progress to date and delivery risks received and agreed.


2.     That the ongoing recruitment challenges impacting the delivery of the programme, as reported to Members on 13 July 2023 and updated in this report, are noted.


3.     That in accordance with the decisions of the UKSPF Partnership Board meeting held 20th June 2024, amendments to the Investment Plan are approved as follows:


iii.               The extension to contract for Derbyshire Dales District Council for Voluntary Services (£105,000) as set out in section 3.1 of the report and the cap of £10,000 per study is relaxed in exceptional circumstances.

iv.              The re-allocation of £64,500 (included within the £105,000) revenue funding to capital funding from E14.

v.                The allocation of up to £60,000 funding to deliver a Pilot Ashbourne Business Improvement District (BID) feasibility study and development as set out in section 3.2 and 7.3 of the report.


4.     That Council approves the transfer of £64,5000 in 2024/25 from the revenue budget for Economic Development Feasibility Studies to the Capital Programme Project Number 675 (Community Resilience Grant), funded by grants from UKSPF and REPF.


5.     That following completion of the tender process for the Ashbourne BID any residual funding (from the £60,000 allocation) is administered by the District Council to deliver E14l: Feasibility Studies directly.


6.     That should a BID feasibility study be positive, any decision whether or not to proceed to ballot will be taken by Council taking into account initial and ongoing cost recovery.


The amendment was voted on, the results were as follows:


16 For

09 Against

01 Abstentions


The Chair declared the amendment CARRIED.


The substantive motion, as amended, was then voted on and it was




1.     That the update on the Derbyshire Dales UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme is noted, with progress to date and delivery risks received and agreed.


2.     That the ongoing recruitment challenges impacting the delivery of the programme, as reported to Members on 13 July 2023 and updated in this report, are noted.


3.     That in accordance with the decisions of the UKSPF Partnership Board meeting held 20th June 2024, amendments to the Investment Plan are approved as follows:


vi.              The extension to contract for Derbyshire Dales District Council for Voluntary Services (£105,000) as set out in section 3.1 of the report and the cap of £10,000 per study is relaxed in exceptional circumstances.

vii.             The re-allocation of £64,500 (included within the £105,000) revenue funding to capital funding from E14.

viii.           The allocation of up to £60,000 funding to deliver a Pilot Ashbourne Business Improvement District (BID) feasibility study and development as set out in section 3.2 and 7.3 of the report.


4.     That Council approves the transfer of £64,5000 in 2024/25 from the revenue budget for Economic Development Feasibility Studies to the Capital Programme Project Number 675 (Community Resilience Grant), funded by grants from UKSPF and REPF.


5.     That following completion of the tender process for the Ashbourne BID any residual funding (from the £60,000 allocation) is administered by the District Council to deliver E14l: Feasibility Studies directly.


6.     That should a BID feasibility study be positive, any decision whether or not to proceed to ballot will be taken by Council taking into account initial and ongoing cost recovery.




19 For

06 Against

01 Abstentions


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.


20:18pm - The meeting adjourned.


20:30pm – The meeting reconvened.

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