Agenda item

Application No. 24/00096/FUL

Erection of 8no. external storage units at Unit 9 and 10 Dimple Mill, Dimple Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3JX.


The Interim Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.


The application being considered was for the erection of 8 no. external storage units at Dimple Mill, Dimple Road, Matlock, Derbyshire.


The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.


In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Ms Helen Stocks (local resident), Mr David Craig (local resident) and Mr William Bermingham (local resident) spoke against the application.


Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.


Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of a request from the agent for recommended condition 6 to be reworded and the reasoning for this.


It was moved by Councillor Neil Buttle and seconded by Councillor Peter Slack that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions as set out in the report with the addition below:


That authority be delegated to the Development Manager to discuss with the applicant the possibility of installing a green roof with associated planting on the roof of the proposed structure to improve on the level of biodiversity net gain.


During debate an amendment was moved by Councillor Peter Dobbs and seconded by Councillor Anthony Bates to remove the addition as proposed by Councillor Buttle, to be replaced with the following:


That authority be delegated to the Development Manager to discuss with the applicant the possibility of improving the planted screening of the proposed structure.


This amendment was put to the vote as follows:




12 For

02 Against

00 Abstentions


The Chair declared the amendment CARRIED.


The amended substantive motion was then put to the vote and it was




That planning permission be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: This is a statutory period which is specified in Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.    The development hereby approved shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the following approved plans and documents, except insofar as may otherwise be required by other conditions to which this planning permission is subject: 01 - Site Location Plan, Drawing No. 266-13 (received 01.02.2024) 02 - Proposed Overall Yard Plan, Drawing No. 266-17 (received 10.07.2024) 03 - Proposed Elevations and Roof Plan, Drawing No. 266-11, Rev. B (received 04.06.2024)


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the satisfactory external appearance of the development in accordance with Policy PD1 of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).


3.    Construction of the units shall only take place between the hours of 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Saturday and at no time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To protect the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings in accordance with policies PD1 and PD9 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).


4.    The operating hours of the units should be limited to between the hours of 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Saturday and at no time on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.


Reason: To protect the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings in accordance with policies PD1 and PD9 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).


5.    Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Uses Classes) Order 1987, (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modifications), the units shall only be used for self-storage and for no other purpose, including any other activity within the same B8 class of the schedule to that Order.


Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings in accordance with Policies PD1 and PD9 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).


6.    The use hereby permitted shall endure for the benefit only of and shall be carried on only by Matlock Self Storage during which the whole of the premises are occupied by Matlock Self Storage. The storage units hereby permitted shall be removed from site and the land restored to its former condition as a car park should the main building change its use or be sold/leased to a third party.


Reason: The development proposed is only acceptable because of the special circumstances of Matlock Self Storage and the Local Planning Authority wishes to have the opportunity of exercising control over any subsequent use in the event of the applicant ceasing the use of the main building in order to safeguard the residential amenity of the occupants of nearby dwellings in accordance with Policies PD1 and PD9 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017) and in the interests of Highway Safety in accordance with Policies S3 and HC19 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).


7.    A scheme of planting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority within 56 days of the commencement of development.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory landscaped setting which contributes positively to the historic environment in accordance with policies PD1 and PD2 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).





13 For

00 Against

01 Abstentions


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.

Supporting documents: