To receive an update on the programme for the conversion of the former Market Hall and consider proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regard to bus, taxi and other provision.
The Policy and Economic Development Manager introduced a report updating Members on the programme for the conversion of the former Market Hall and seeking approval for the proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regard to bus, taxi and other provision laid out in the report.
The Policy and Economic Development Manager presented the proposed modifications to the external layout of the scheme with regards to the bus and taxi provision. On site consultation had been undertaken by officers with taxi drivers and users to seek views on the proposals and feedback was shown in Annex 1 of the report.
In addition to the consultation, Access for All UK were commissioned to
undertake an access audit of the proposed modifications to the external layout. This has informed the Equality Impact Assessment undertaken (see
Annex 2). The verbal feedback immediately following the site visit from
Access for All was that the proposed modifications were considered reasonable within the constraints of the site and the proposed inclusion of the
taxi waiting shelter and lighting column was welcomed.
To support the additional costs of the new arrangements it was proposed to
seek external funding as part of the package of public realm improvements to
the north side of Bakewell Road included within the Draft Derbyshire Dales
UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan for considered in the next item
(due for submission to Government on 1 August).
The RIBA Stage 4 programme had been updated by the Council’s architect
as follows:
• technical design pack due end of July
• tender pack ready for issue September 7
• tenders for the shell works due end of October
• tender assessment / value engineering / contract negotiation / contractor appointment November – December (subject to acceptable tender)
• proposed commencement of works January 2023 (subject to acceptable tender)
Councillor Peter O’Brien proposed an amendment that modifications to taxi waiting and passenger waiting arrangements within the site be subject to further appraisal to ensure the safety of pedestrians accessing the facilities. This was not seconded.
It was moved by Councillor Martin Burfoot, seconded by Councillor Sue Burfoot and
RESOLVED (Unanimously)
1. Note progress in moving the scheme forward since the last Committee update;
2. Note the updated RIBA Stage 4 programme for the scheme;
3. Note the additional work undertaken through engagement with the MCV Steering Group to facilitate provision of the phase 2 community space in the longer term (delivery subject to separate local fundraising);
4. Note the outcome of consultations with licensed taxi operators and taxi users regarding proposed changes to waiting arrangements within the site;
5. Note the proposed improvements to arrangements for bus passengers and pedestrians accessing the Market Hall development;
6. Note the proposed enhanced provision for disabled car users and for cyclists;
7. Note the proposed modifications to taxi waiting and passenger waiting arrangements within the site;
8. That the proposed modifications to the external layout included in recommendation 5 - specifically the widening of the pedestrian footway – Recommendation 6; and Recommendation 7 - subject to preparation of a detailed layout / lining plan - are approved in principle as part of a package of public realm works to the north side of Bakewell Road for consideration within the Draft Derbyshire Dales UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan to be considered later on this Council meeting agenda.
The Chairman declared the motion CARRIED.
Supporting documents: