Register of interests

Gareth Gee

This register of interests was published on Wednesday, 14th June, 2023, 1.44 pm.

I, Gareth Gee a Member of Derbyshire Dales District Council give notice below under the approporate headings, my intertests and those of my partner of which I am aware, that are Discloseable Pecuniary Interests as defined in The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

1. Please state your employment or business carried out or any Partnerships or Directorships?
Councillor Partner
Iceland Holidays, 4-01 Via Gellia Mills , Bonsal, Matlock, DE4 2AJ Iceland Holidays, 4-01 Via Gellia Mills , Bonsal, Matlock, DE4 2AJ
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses ?
Councillor Partner
None None
3. Do you have any contracts with Derbyshire Dales Distict Council?
Councillor Partner
None None
4. Do you have land or property in the District?
Councillor Partner
None None
5. Do you have any Licences to occupy land?
Councillor Partner
None None
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies?
Councillor Partner
None None
7. Do you have any interests in companies and securities?
Councillor Partner
None None
8. Other interests
Body Position occupied
None None
9. Gifts and Hospitality
Date Description & Accepted/Declined
None None
10. Date Received
Date Initials
- JMcL