Election results for Hulland

District Council Elections - Thursday, 2nd May, 2019

The parishes of Biggin by Hulland, Callow, Hulland, Hulland Ward and Kirk Ireton

Hulland - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Richard Bright Conservative 445 80% Elected
Rosemary Ayliffe Labour 110 20% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 555
Electorate 1497
Number of ballot papers issued 570
Number of ballot papers rejected 15
Turnout 38%
Share of the votes (%)
Richard Bright 80% Elected
Rosemary Ayliffe 20% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
B Voting for too many candidates1
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty14
Total rejected15