Election results for Ashbourne South

District Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Includes the Ashbourne Town Council Wards of Hilltop & St Oswalds and the Parishes of Clifton & Compton, Edlaston & Wyaston, Osmaston and Yeldersley

Ashbourne South - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Robert Archer Liberal Democrats 1101 20% Elected
Nick Wilton Liberal Democrats 884 16% Elected
Anthony Edward Bates Conservative 857 15% Elected
Tom Donnelly Conservative 820 15% Not elected
Robin Michael Shirtcliffe Liberal Democrats 794 14% Not elected
Matthew John Neville Taylor Conservative 697 12% Not elected
Matt Ginnis Labour 453 8% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 5606
Electorate 5437
Number of ballot papers issued 2107
Number of ballot papers rejected 8
Number of postal votes sent 1114
Number of postal votes returned 711
Turnout 39%
Share of the votes (%)
Robert Archer 20% Elected
Nick Wilton 16% Elected
Anthony Edward Bates 15% Elected
Tom Donnelly 15% Not elected
Robin Michael Shirtcliffe 14% Not elected
Matthew John Neville Taylor 12% Not elected
Matt Ginnis 8% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty8
Total rejected8