Election results for Boylestone Parish Council

Parish & Town Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Boylestone Parish Council - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Derek Walter Watkins 66 18% Elected
Helen Louise Walker 59 16% Elected
Peter Thomas Geoffrey Wilkins 56 16% Elected
George Michael Upson 54 15% Elected
Matthew Edward Moore 48 13% Elected
Robert Watson 45 13% Not elected
Adam Christopher Hawkins 31 9% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 5
Total votes 359
Electorate 158
Number of ballot papers issued 87
Number of postal votes sent 38
Turnout 55%
Share of the votes (%)
Derek Walter Watkins 18% Elected
Helen Louise Walker 16% Elected
Peter Thomas Geoffrey Wilkins 16% Elected
George Michael Upson 15% Elected
Matthew Edward Moore 13% Elected
Robert Watson 13% Not elected
Adam Christopher Hawkins 9% Not elected