Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Public Participation PDF 183 KB To enable members of the public to ask questions, express views or present petitions, IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, (by telephone, in writing or by email) BY NO LATER THAN 12 NOON OF THE WORKING DAY PRECEDING THE MEETING. As per Procedural Rule 14.4 at any one meeting no person may submit more than 3 questions and no more than 1 such question may be asked on behalf of one organisation.
Minutes: The following representations were received in writing prior to the meeting and were distributed to Members:
Item 8 – Proposal of a Notice of Motion (Rule of Procedure 16)
STATEMENT from Ms Debra Stone, Bakewell Local Resident
“To whom it may concern
I would like to express my support for the provision of a banking hub in Bakewell now that we have very little banking provision.
I urge the council to work with other local partnerships to help make this excellent and progressive idea become a much-needed reality in Bakewell.
I would be interested to hear of any developments on this subject.
Yours sincerely Debra Stone, Bakewell resident”
STATEMENT from Mr Peter Stone, Local Resident
“Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to express my support for the creation of a Banking Hub for Bakewell. I would urge the Council to engage with this vital venture as a matter of urgency and to ensure that this becomes a reality as quickly as possible.
I would also be grateful if I could be kept informed of developments.
Kind regards Peter Stone”
STATEMENT from Mr John Odmann, Eyam Local Resident
“I very much welcome this initiative as I see a Banking Hub (or a bank) as an integral and necessary part of the local economy - both for private and business customers.
John Odmann Eyam”
STATEMENT from Ms Sara Price, Tideswell Local Resident
“Dear Committee,
I understand there is a desire for cross-party working to establish a banking hub in Bakewell to service our area.
As a business & personal banking customer of NatWest there is definitely a need for banking service in our area particularly given the closure of so many local post offices in the villages. I feel the criteria for banking facilities must be broadened as our local area serves an older population as well as the needs of tourists and day trippers who often use cash over card.
I would welcome any effort to get this established.
Kind regards, Sara Price”
STATEMENT from Ms Georgina Blair, Little Longstone Local Resident
I would like to support the proposal for a banking hub in Bakewell. I mainly bank online but am treasurer for an organisation that still receives cheques which I need to pay in somewhere. My elderly mother does not use online banking at all, and is being severely inconvenienced by the lack of a bank in Bakewell.
Given the poor state of our public transport, it is not acceptable to expect people to travel to Chesterfield or Buxton to do their banking.
Please do everything you can to get a banking hub for Bakewell, which will help residents and visitors alike.
Thank you, Georgina Blair”
STATEMENT from Ms Julia Morgans, Great Longstone Local Resident
“Hi there,
I fully support Councillor Bob Butcher's proposal to bring a banking hub to Bakewell. This seems the most sensible approach that offers us local facilities that isn't dependent on travelling to Chesterfield or ... view the full minutes text for item 399/23 |
Interests Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at the time. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Leaders' Announcements Announcements of the Leader of the Council. Minutes: In the absence of the Leader Councillor Steve Flitter, Deputy Leader Councillor Peter Slack gave the following announcements:
“Good Evening Everyone, as one of the deputy leaders and with Steve away in Australia in the sunshine, it falls to me to give you the leaders announcements.
As we come to the end of the first year of the new administration of the progressive alliance. It’s been a busy year, many working groups contributing towards the creation of a new corporate plan. Which I believe in the coming years we will see with benefits from the new corporate plan, in more social and affordable housing. The Council Climate Change Policy, in the Council being Carbon Neutral by 2030. Also to help and advise businesses in the Derbyshire Dales on being Carbon Neutral by 2040.
It is good that the Director of Housing, Rob Cogings. The government had announced round 3 of the local authority hosing fund. Derbyshire Dales has submitted an expression of interest to provide up to 27 new homes through this programme. The focus of the programme is to provide homes for people who are homeless. We will hear if we have been successful by the end of April and a full report will come through Committees and Council in due course.
The Leader, Councillor Flitter attended a business breakfast in March. The event was organised by the District Council and was successful. Business Leaders from all round the District attended and they were pleased to hear of the support on offer from the District Council. Also attending was perspective candidate for Mayoral elections for East Midlands Combined Authority which is contested in May.
The Environmental services are carrying out litter picking events over four weeks , as part of the keep Britain tidy. Over 13 groups and individuals had taken part in the District event.
Public consultation on Ashbourne Park had been taking place. Last Summer a public consultation was carried out in Ashbourne Park for resident and visitor views. So with information captured will be holding an in-person consultation day 9:30 till 12:00pm on April 20th at Ashbourne Methodist Church.
The Community Safety partnership had assessed that Derbyshire Dales is the safest place to live and has the lowest crime rate in all nine districts within Derbyshire.
To conclude, in March Paul Wilson and myself attended the inaugural meeting of the East Midlands Combined Authority at Chesterfield Casa Hotel. It was speakers from leaders of Derbyshire County Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Derby City Council and Nottingham City Council. All the Leaders noted the great opportunity for businesses and industry for the region and went on to say that the region could grow significantly on this combined authority. Districts and Borough Council would have only two representatives on the board, which Derbyshire representatives would be from High Peak and Chesterfield. Also, Nottinghamshire would have the same representation of two for the District and Borough Council. The rest of the District and Borough Council could attend meetings ... view the full minutes text for item 401/23 |
Chairman's Announcements Announcements of the Civic Chairman. Minutes: Councillor David Burton, Civic Chair, gave the following announcements:
“First of all a big thank you, as my year comes to a conclusion most Members have very kindly given me a donation towards the civic charity, send a child to Hucklow. I am extremely grateful; I am now over £3000 for that charity and with a bit of luck we might reach the point where were able to fund around 40 children which is absolutely superb.
I will have a week on Saturday a coffee and cake morning at a lady’s home in Two Dales but to take that information in that will be given out next week. Anyone whether it be a Member or an Officer is welcome, that will be held between 10:30am and 1:00pm.
I was very moved a couple of weeks ago with Councillor Hobson when we attended the Bakewell Town Council Service, the current mayor is Councillor Alyson Hill. It was an exceptionally moving service, and it bought the best of community together and I just want to publicly acknowledge the courage of Alyson who was involved in a life changing accident but the sparkle and the commitment that she has for Bakewell, I really do commend and it was an honour to be present at that particular service.
So I’m not electioneering now, I’m relieved to relate this story to you. Some years ago I was in a field with David Fearn banging in a stake and the head of the hammer flew off and just missed him. Its lovely that you’re present tonight David and it was back in 1995, when I served as Chair of the district that you then commenced for 2 years as Leader of this Council. There was tremendous respect for you David and I know on a number of occasions that Lewis Rose too was a support and in many ways was very generous in his capacity as Leader of the Conservative Group. We are honoured that you have felt able to come tonight and there is a universal respect in Darley Dale and in the wider area and from all of us that were involved in politics and in the local Council during the time that you were Leader and a Member of the Council. You gave a lot of reason and common sense and decency to this council. So David I’ve got the pleasant task of presenting you with this photograph of the first Council and flowers for your wife sandra.”
David Fearn then addressed the Council and gave thanks.
Committees - To Follow PDF 126 KB To receive the non-exempt Minutes of the Committees shown below:
Non-exempt Minutes to be received: Date Joint Consultative Group 11 January 2024 Planning Committee 16 January 2024 Council 25 January 2024 Local Plan Sub-Committee 01 February 2024 Governance and Resources Committee 15 February 2024 Planning Committee 20 February 2024 Council 29 February 2024 Community and Environment Committee 06 March 2024 Planning Committee 12 March 2024 Ernest Bailey Charity Committee 14 March 2024 Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Roger Shelley, seconded by Councillor Martin Burfoot and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the non-exempt minutes of the Committees listed in the Minute Book for the period 11 January 2024 to 14 March 2024 be received.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
QUESTIONS (RULE OF PROCEDURE 15) Questions, if any, from Members who have given notice. Minutes: No questions on notice were received. |
PROPOSAL OF A NOTICE OF MOTION (RULE OF PROCEDURE 16) The Council will debate the following Motion, submitted by Councillor Bob Butcher, in accordance with Rule of Procedure 16.
“ On 22 February 2024, the Bakewell Branch of the NatWest Bank closed permanently. It was the last remaining High Street bank in the town, and in the whole of the Peak District National Park. The closure took place despite strenuous opposition from this Council, our Member of Parliament, local businesses and members of the public. The nearest alternative NatWest Bank is in Chesterfield or there is a branch of Lloyds Bank in Matlock.
Bakewell is a thriving market town, and the home to the area’s leading livestock market at the Agricultural Business Centre. The Riverside and Deepdale Business Parks and the Station Industrial Estate are important employment centres, and there are a number of independent shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants in the town centre.
The population of the town itself is around 4,000 (a significant proportion of whom are elderly), whilst Bakewell is the principal service centre for a large number of surrounding villages.
Despite the growing importance of the digital economy, High Street banking facilities remain essential to serve the interests of both local businesses and residents in and around Bakewell. Faced with similar closure situations, other towns have established ‘banking hubs’, where the High Street banks (and in some situations the Post Office) combine to jointly provide a daily service. Belper and Clay Cross are notable examples in Derbyshire.
It is therefore proposed that:
This Council recognises that the establishment of a Banking Hub in Bakewell is essential to the future prosperity and sustainability of the town, its residents and the local economy, and will lead work to establish a banking hub in Bakewell, developing and implementing a plan, and engaging as seems best with partners (including the Member of Parliament, Bakewell Town Council, the East Midland Chamber, Derbyshire County Council, the Peak District National Park Authority and the National Farmers Union); authority is given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leadership Group and Bakewell Members and if necessary, to draft in appropriate external resources or expertise to support the work.” Minutes: The Council considered an amended motion submitted by Councillor Bob Butcher in accordance with rule of procedure 16.
It was moved by Councillor Bob Butcher, seconded by Councillor Susan Hobson and
That this Council recognises that the establishment of a Banking Hub in Bakewell will be beneficial to the future prosperity and sustainability of the town, its neighbouring communities and the local economy. It will take the initiative in engaging as appropriate with partners (including the Member of Parliament, Bakewell Town Council, the East Midland Chamber, Derbyshire County Council, the Peak District National Park Authority and the National Farmers Union) to proactively support the development of such a facility.
25 For 00 Against 01 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 198 KB 29 February 2024 Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Neil Buttle and
That the minutes of a meeting of Council held on 29 02 2024 be approved as a correct record.
24 For 00 Against 02 Abstained
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Membership of Committees Following Election PDF 101 KB To report on the updated membership of political groups on the Council, the change to the political balance of the authority following the recent Bakewell Ward By-Election and the revised entitlement of political groups to seats on committees for the reminder of the 2023/24 municipal year. Minutes: The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report on the updated membership of political groups on the Council, the change to the political balance of the authority following the recent Bakewell and Norbury Ward By-Elections and the revised entitlement of political groups to seats on committees for the remainder of the 2023/24 municipal year.
Members were informed that the Proper Officer was required to notify the Council of any change in the political balance of the authority or the operation of new political groups under the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990. Since the last ordinary meeting of the Council, two new councillors had been elected to serve on the District Council and had joined existing political groups.
On 22 February 2024 By-Elections were held in the District Council wards of Bakewell and Norbury and Councillors Butcher and Bull were appointed. The proper officer had been notified that Councillor Butcher would be a Member of the Labour and Councillor O’Brien Group and Councillor Bull would be a member of the Conservative Group. The effect of this result was that there are 8 Members in the Conservative Group (previously 11). This also meant that there continued to be no single political group that had overall control of the Council.
It was noted that in order for the seat allocation set out in paragraph 2.3 to be adopted, the Council would need to vote unanimously to approve a departure from the requirements of principles (a) and (b). Where the Council failed to adopt a new seat entitlement, the previously agreed seat entitlement would continue to operate until such a time as the Council could agree a new entitlement.
It was moved by Councillor David Hughes, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and
1. That the Council notes, and agrees, the entitlement of the membership of the political groups and that such entitlements have been reflected in allocations to Committees.
2. To approve a departure from the requirements of the principles set out in paragraph 1.4.
3. To agree a review of political balance and entitlement to seats with the Group Leaders in advance of Council’s Annual General Meeting in May 2024.
21 For 01 Against 04 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion Lost. |
Delegation of Decision Making in Respect of Gypsy and Travellers PDF 93 KB This report seeks to enable the Council’s Community and Environment Committee to be the principal decision maker in respect of any permanent and temporary tolerated / negotiated stopping places in the District. Minutes: The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report which sought to enable the Council’s Community and Environment Committee to be the principal decision maker in respect of any permanent and temporary tolerated / negotiated stopping places in the District.
It was noted the Council’s decision making in respect of matters relating to Gypsy and Travellers required revisiting as part of a new approach agreed at Council in September 2023 with the re-establishment of the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group.
Members were informed that in moving the delegation to a smaller, politically proportionate group of members, who had gathered expertise relating to the core place-related functions of the District Council is advantageous to making good decisions in this policy area.
The recommendations were moved by Councillor Marilyn Franks and seconded by Councillor Laura Mellstrom.
It was then moved by Councillor Dermot Murphy that a recorded vote be taken, this was seconded by Councillor Anthony Bates. The recommendations were then put to a recorded vote as follows:
For: 20, Councillors: Kelda Boothroyd, Matt Buckler, Martin Burfoot, Sue Burfoot, David Burton, Bob Butcher, Neil Buttle, Peter Dobbs, Marilyn Franks, Dawn Greatorex, David Hughes, Joanne Linthwaite, Laura Mellstrom, Andy Nash, Peter O’Brien, Lucy Peacock, Simon Ripton, Roger Shelley, Peter Slack, Steve Wain.
Against: 5, Councillors: Anthony Bates, Nigel Norman Edwards-Walker, Susan Hobson, Stuart Lees, Dermot Murphy.
Abstention: 1, Councillor: David Chapman
It was therefore RESOLVED
1. That the report is agreed;
2. That the Gypsy and Traveller Working Group provides reports on all its activities to a mutually agreeable timescale to the Community and Environment Committee;
3. That decisions relating to temporary tolerated / negotiated stopping places in the District are taken by Community and Environment Committee;
4. That Council notes permanent sites will be sought for allocation within the Local Plan process overseen by the Local Plan Sub-Committee and endorsed, ultimately, by Council;
5. That decisions relating to permanent sites sourced outside of the Local Plan process are taken by the Community and Environment Committee;
6. That Council delegates authority to the Council’s Monitoring Officer to make such amendments to the Constitution.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
This report seeks approval for two new capital projects. The bids have been approved by policy committees and have been referred to Council to seek approval for their inclusion in the capital programme for 2024/25 and associated financing arrangements. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Resources introduced a report which sought approval for two new capital projects. The bids had been approved by policy committees and had been referred to Council to seek approval for their inclusion in the capital programme for 2024/25 and associated financing arrangements.
At the meeting of Council on 29th February 2024 Members approved a revised capital programme totalling £39,629,590 covering the financial years 2023/24 to 2028/29 as summarised in table 1 of the report.
Since the report was prepared for the Council meeting in February, the Council had been offered grant funding towards two new capital projects. Under the grants’ terms and conditions, these projects must be completed by 31 March 2025. If the Council wished to accept the grant officers, formal approval was required for the projects to be included in the capital programme for 2024/25.
The first new bid related to match funding for proposed new capital projects for Capital Improvements at Hall Leys Park, Matlock. This bid for a new capital project was approved by the Community and Environment Committee on 6 March 2024. The second new bid related to proposed energy efficiency improvements to Northwood Depot under Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme phase 3c. This bid for a new capital project was approved by the Governance and Resources Committee on 21 March 2024.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Dobbs, seconded by Councillor David Hughes and
1. That new capital projects for Capital Improvements at Hall Leys Park Matlock (UKSPF) with an estimated cost of £279,263, as described in paragraphs 2.3 to 2.4 of the report, be approved for inclusion in the capital programme for 2024/25, to be financed by match funding from the use of capital receipts.
2. That a new capital project for Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme phase 3c – proposed energy efficiency improvements to Northwood Depot, with an estimated cost of £153,137, as described in paragraphs 2.5 to 2.7 of the report, is approved for inclusion in the capital programme for 2024/25, with £51,380 being financed by grant and £101,757 of match funding being financed from Capital Receipts.
3. That the financing of project 693 “John Higgs Alms Houses – Smedley Street, Matlock” in the sum of £500,000 be amended from Capital Receipts to Section 106 Contributions.
4. That the balance of funds available over the 5-year programme, shown in Appendix 3, is noted.
23 For 00 Against 03 Abstention
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Referred Item - Review of Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy PDF 121 KB The report seeks Council approval of the final draft Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy, for adoption and re-publishing with effect from 1st May 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Manager introduced a report which sought Council approval of the final draft Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy, for adoption and re-publishing with effect from 1st May 2024.
The over-riding aim for the Council when carrying out its functions relating to the licensing of Hackney (Taxi) or Private Hire Drivers, Vehicle Proprietors and Operators, was the protection of the public and others who use or have an interest in licensed Taxi and Private Hire services. It was noted that this was achieved by having in place a robust Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy which set out the various standards and procedures to be followed in administering Taxi and Private Hire Licensing across the District.
A draft policy document was agreed for consultation by the Licensing and Appeals Committee in June 2023. A consultation exercise took place between 1st September and 31st October 2023. Responses received to the consultation related mainly to administrative amendments needed to the application procedures in Appendices C and D of the document.
The recommendations as set out in the report were moved by Councillor David Hughes and seconded by Councillor Neil Buttle with the following additional recommendation:
3. The policy is referred to the Climate Officer for review and to determine the climate impact of using internal combustion engine vehicles for private hire and to provide recommendations for the migration to electric vehicles for licenced vehicles to be incorporated of the next version of the policy subject to recommendation 2.
This was then put to the vote and
1. That the Draft Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be approved for adoption and republishing, with effect from 1st May 2024.
2. That future reviews and approval of the final Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy document are delegated to the Licensing and Appeals Committee, unless major changes are proposed when it would be necessary for the final draft Policy to be referred to full Council.
3. The policy is referred to the Climate Officer for review and to determine the climate impact of using internal combustion engine vehicles for private hire and to provide recommendations for the migration to electric vehicles for licenced vehicles to be incorporated of the next version of the policy subject to recommendation 2.
20 For 05 Against 01 Abstention
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
By-Election Results - Report of the Returning Officer PDF 92 KB To report on the results of District Council by-elections held on 22 February 2024. Minutes: The Director of Corporate and Customer Services introduced a report on the results of District Council by-elections held on 22 February 2024.
It was noted that two by-elections were held in the district of the Derbyshire Dales on 22 February 2024 to elect 2 Councillors to the wards of Bakewell and Norbury. The results of the by-elections were set out in section 2.1 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the results of the by-elections held on 22 February 2024 in the District Council wards of Bakewell and Norbury be noted.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.