Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock, DE4 3NN. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 166 KB 11 July 2023 Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Stuart Lees, seconded by Councillor Peter Slack and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 11 July 2023 be approved as a correct record.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Interests Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any interests they may have in subsequent agenda items in accordance with the District Council’s Code of Conduct. Those interests are matters that relate to money or that which can be valued in money, affecting the Member, her/his partner, extended family and close friends. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. Minutes: Councillor Peter Dobbs declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.8 Application No. 23/00787/FUL – 2 Birchwood Moor Court, Roston, Ashbourne DE6 2EJ, as he was known to the applicant.
6.03 pm Councillor Kelda Boothroyd joined the meeting. 6.06 pm Councillor Roger Shelley joined the meeting. 6.08 pm Councillor Neil Buttle joined the meeting. |
Application No. 23/00566/FUL PDF 219 KB Formalisation of the existing overflow car park, formation of an additional parking area, formation of new vehicular access and associated drainage and landscaping works at The Knockerdown Inn, Knockerdown, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1NQ. Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Ms Dawn Lewis (Local Resident), Mr Nick Baker (Agent) and Mr Dan Macken (Applicant) spoke in support of the application. Cllr. Ruth Miles (Carsington and Hopton Parish Council), Ms Laura Stevens (Local Resident), Ms Pippa Ward-Bradley (Friends of Knockerdown), Ms Pamela Hattersley (Friends of the Knockerdown), Mr Tim Foxlow (Local Resident), Ms Libba Jones (Local Resident), Mr Chris Stait (Local Resident), Ms Anne Wilson (Local Resident) and Mr Ian Burton (Local Resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of four additional representations in objection to the development and one representation in support. Comments had also been received from Carsington and Hopton Parish Council, Hulland Ward Parish Council, Bradbourne and Ballidon Parish Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner. Further comments had been received from the Applicant in support of the proposed development.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Sue Burfoot and
That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:
1. The application fails to demonstrate that the amount of additional parking is necessary to serve the requirements of the existing public house. Such development of the scale and nature proposed is unjustified and unsustainable and results in unwarranted harm to the character and appearance of this part of the countryside, contrary to Policies S1, S4, PD1, PD5 and HC19 of the Adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017) and policy contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.
14 For 00 Against 01 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 23/00459/FUL PDF 77 KB Change of use of land and erection of 3 no. glamping domes, erection of service hut, bike store and construction of associated access track, car park, refuse/recycling facilities, associated landscaping, footpaths, fencing and ground-mounted solar panels at Burley Fields Farm, Bent Lane, Darley Dale, DE4 2HN. Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Cllr. Jason Farmer (Darley Dale Town Council) and Ms Georgina Mosley (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Marilyn Franks, seconded by Councillor Peter Slack and
That planning permission be approved with the following conditions:
1) The development hereby permitted must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: This is a statutory period which is specified in Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the following approved plans and subject to the following conditions or modifications.
Location Plan - 220224-01-01 Proposed Layout Plan - 220224-01-02 Proposed Drainage Plan - 220224-01-04 Dome Plan and Elevations - 220224-01-05 Bike Store Plan and Elevations 220224-01-08 Road and Access Plan - 220224-01-09 Proposed Lighting Plan - 220224-01-10 Bike Store Plan and Elevations - 220224-01-12
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of the proper planning of the area.
3) A Landscape and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (LBEP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development. The aim of the LBEP is to enhance and sympathetically manage the biodiversity value of onsite habitats and should combine both the ecology and landscape disciplines. The plan should clearly demonstrate a net gain for biodiversity through use of a biodiversity metric. It shall be suitable to provide to the management body responsible for the site and shall include the following:
a) Description and location of features to be retained, created, enhanced and managed. b) Aims and objectives of management. c) Appropriate management methods and practices to achieve aims and objectives. d) Prescriptions for management actions. e) Preparation of a work schedule (including a five-year work plan capable of being rolled forward in perpetuity). f) Details of the body or organization responsible for implementation of the plan. g) A monitoring schedule to assess the success of the enhancement measures. h) A set of remedial measures to be applied if conservation aims and objectives of the plan are not being met. i) Habitat enhancements for species, for example, bat and bird boxes. j) Requirement for a statement of compliance upon completion of planting and enhancement works. The LBEP shall also include details of the legal and funding mechanism(s) by which the long-term implementation of the plan will be secured by the developer with the management body(ies) responsible for its delivery. The development shall not be carried out or occupied other than in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the ... view the full minutes text for item 106/23 |
Application No. 23/00630/FUL PDF 255 KB Change of use of land to 8 no. pitch traveller site with associated new access (Resubmission) at The Woodyard, Derby Road, Homesford, Matlock. Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr John Youatt (Agent) and Mr Roger Yarwood (Agent) spoke in support of the application. Dr Siobhan Spencer (Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group) commented on the application. Mr Stephen Walton (Local Resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of further comments from the Environment Agency, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and Environmental Health. Late representations were received from the occupant of Rose Cottage objecting to the proposed development.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Dermot Murphy and
That planning permission be approved for the following reasons:
1. The Environment Agency withdrew their previous objection, after reviewing the site levels they were satisfied that the site itself lay outside the Flood Zone 2. 2. The site was considered to be sustainably located, having regard to the Council’s requirements for a site. 3. The development would be enclosed, and it was considered that it would not cause harm to the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
14 For 01 Against 00 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.
8.10pm – The Chair adjourned the meeting. 8.25pm – The meeting reconvened. |
Duration of Meetings (Motion to continue) Brief description of item. Minutes: At 8:35pm, it was moved by Councillor David Burton, seconded by Councillor Roger Shelley and
RESOLVED (Unanimously)
That in accordance with Rule of Procedure 13, the meeting continue to enable the business on the agenda to be concluded.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 23/00616/OUT PDF 74 KB Outline planning application for a mixed-use development of up t0 75no. dwellinghouses and a commercial development (Use Class E) with approval being sought for access (revised scheme) at Land South of Main Road, Brailsford. Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Andrew Stock (Agent) spoke in support of the application. Cllr. John White (Brailsford and Ednaston Parish Council), Ms Elizabeth Tarling (Local Resident), and Ms Patricia Baker (Local Resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of a further consultation response received from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, further indicative visuals submitted by the agent and one additional representation received following the site visit supporting the Officers recommendations.
It was moved by Councillor Stuart Lees, seconded by Councillor Peter Slack and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That planning permission be refused for the reasons set out in section 8.0 of the report and for an additional reason as set out below:
3. The development would not be served by safe or convenient pedestrian links to Brailsford and would have limited accessibility to services and facilities within the village contrary to policies S1 and HC19 of the adopted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan (2017).
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 23/00553/OUT PDF 238 KB Outline planning application for the erection of up to 25no. dwellinghouses with approval being sought for access at Land off Belper Road, Ashbourne. Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Richard Pigott (Applicant) spoke in support of the application. Mr Philip Robinson (Local Resident) and Mr Mark Gorman (Local Resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of comments received from the Agent.
It was moved by Councillor Stuart Lees, seconded by Councillor Mark Wakeman and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That planning permission be approved subject to prior entry into a planning obligation under S.106 to secure:
· 30 % of the dwellings as affordable units on-site with a financial contribution for 0.5 units. · Financial contribution to allotments (off-site) of £1,773 on sites identified by the Neighbourhoods Manager. · Financial contribution to play areas (off-site) of £4,252.50 on sites identified by the Neighbourhoods Manager.
And subject to planning conditions to cover the following: 1. Statutory time limit for approval of reserved matters.
2. Set out reserved matters to be approved (scale, layout, external appearance and landscaping).
3. The developable area, scale, layout and external appearance shall closely reflect the submitted indicative site plan and development design parameters.
4. Agree detailed design and management of surface water drainage.
5. Approve assessment to demonstrate proposed destination for surface water accords with the drainage hierarchy set out in planning practice guidance.
6. Approve details of how additional surface water run-off from the site will be avoided during the construction phase.
7. Approve verification report carried out by qualified drainage engineer to demonstrate that the drainage system has been constructed in accordance with the agreed scheme.
8. Conditions and informative’s recommended by the Highway Authority on application 22/00777/OUT.
9. Submission and approval of travel plan prior to first occupation.
10. Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement to be submitted with any reserved matters application for landscaping.
11. Conditions recommended by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust.
12. Condition recommended by County Archaeologist.
13. Reserved matters application shall provide for housing mix in accordance with policy requirements.
08 For 02 Against 05 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Application No. 23/00178/FUL PDF 228 KB Demolition of dwellinghouse and erection of 5no. dwellinghouses with associated access and parking at The Gables, 14 Bolehill Road, Bolehill, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4GQ. Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Jami Jones (Applicant) spoke in support of the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Slack, seconded by Councillor Stuart Lees and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in section 8.0 of the report and the additional condition:
1. The dwellings hereby approved shall only be occupied as primary residences and shall not be utilised as second homes or for holiday accommodation.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.
9.17 pm Councillor Nick Whitehead left the meeting. |
Application No. 23/00115/FUL PDF 253 KB Extension to existing workshop and erection of replacement stores building. Creation of private way, hard surfacing and landscaping in association with change of use of field to vehicle yard at Wardmans (Matlock) Limited, Old Coach Road, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5FY. Additional documents: Minutes: The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
The Committee visited the site prior to the meeting to allow Members to appreciate the proposal in the context of its surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Mr Gordon Wardman (Applicant) spoke in support of the application. Cllr. Vicki Raynes (Tansley Parish Council) and Mr Gary Swift (Local Resident) spoke against the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
Correspondence received after publication of the agenda was distributed at the meeting. This comprised of a letter from the applicant.
It was moved by Councillor Kelda Boothroyd, seconded by Councillor Peter Dobbs and
That planning permission be approved subject to conditions and prior entry into a S.106 planning obligation set out in section 8.0 of the report. Conditions 7 and 8 shall be amended to require agreement of landscaping, including a timescale for implementation, before commencement of the development. Agreement if a timescale for implementation is to ensure that planting is carried out and begins to establish as soon as possible following the commencement of the development.
13 For 01 Against 00 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.
9.37 Councillor Peter Dobbs left the meeting. 9.38 Councillor Kelda Boothroyd left the meeting. |
Application No. 23/00787/FUL PDF 59 KB Alterations to windows and doors (re-submission) at 2 Birchwood Moor Court, Roston, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 2EJ. Additional documents: Minutes: The Development Manager gave a presentation showing details of the application and photographs of the site and surroundings.
In accordance with the procedure for public participation, Ms Claire Critchlow (Applicant) and Mr David Legh (Local Resident) spoke in support of the application.
Consultation responses were set out in section 5 of the report.
It was moved by Councillor John Bointon, seconded by Councillor Dermot Murphy and
That planning permission be deferred for further discussion following a site visit.
11 For 00 Against 01 Abstentions
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |
Appeals Progress Report PDF 70 KB To consider a status report on appeals made to the Planning Inspectorate. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor John Bointon, seconded by Councillor Dermot Murphy and
RESOLVED (unanimously)
That the report be noted.
The Chair declared the motion CARRIED. |