Agenda item

Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Review

To discuss the work to be undertaken regarding the policies and proposals relating to the review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan.


Councillor David Hughes informed the Sub-Committee of the Progressive Alliance’s intended approach to the review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan.


Two reports were distributed at the meeting and are included as appendices to these minutes. The first report, provided by the Policy Manager, set out the latest position in respect to the progress on the review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan. The report also identified those aspects of the Local Plan review process which were yet to be completed and gave recommendations to the Sub-Committee to enable the review of the Local Plan to progress.


The second report considered was prepared by Members of the Progressive Alliance and intended to brief members of the Sub-Committee on the administrations aims and targets for the outcome of the Local Plan review process. This report also gave detailed recommendations for the review of the Local Plan and associated policies.


It was moved by Councillor David Hughes, seconded by Councillor Roger Shelley and


RESOLVED (unanimously)


1.     That the scope for the Local Plan and its policies be confirmed as:


(a)   To enable and strengthen flourishing communities within Derbyshire Dales.


(b)   To ensure that the housing need in the Local Plan arises from the geographic area it covers, and that the proposed number and type of new housing units reflects a careful consideration of the actual likely needs of local people.


(c)   To provide social and affordable housing where it is needed.


(d)   To accommodate the requirements of a revised Economic Plan.


(e)   To ensure a continued improvement in the biodiversity and natural capital of Derbyshire Dales.


(f)    To ensure rapid progress towards net zero emissions in the Derbyshire Dales within the scope of the Local Plan.


(g)   To ensure the Derbyshire Dales character in its landscape and townscapes is protected.


(h)   To ensure the necessary infrastructures (grey, green and blue) and services are available for planned development.


(i)     To ensure that the Plan will enable all residents to understand how their communities will change during the period of the Plan.


2.     That progress on the review of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan to date be noted.


3.     That an update to the Iceni Projects Housing Needs Assessment (2021) is commissioned and the results of that exercise be reported to a future meeting of this Sub-Committee.


4.     That a review of the current Settlement Hierarchy be undertaken to determine the extent to which communities across the Local Plan area are ‘sustainable’. The results of this review be reported to a future meeting of this Sub-Committee.


5.     That consultants be commissioned to prepare advice to the District Council as local planning authority on the design policies and proposals of the Local Plan, including setting out the most appropriate approach to preparing Design Codes. The results of this commission to be reported to a future meeting of this Sub-Committee.


6.     That the commissions identified in this report as already commissioned be completed as appropriate and reported to future meetings of this Sub-Committee as is considered necessary.


7.     That Members meet with the Peak District National Park to explore what options might be available to improving the delivery of housing within the Peak District National Park area of Derbyshire Dales.


8.     That officers meet Peak District National Park officers to explore what options might be available to improving the delivery of housing within the Peak District National Park area of Derbyshire Dales.


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.

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