Agenda item

Proposal for a collaborative project between Derbyshire Swift Conservation Project and Derbyshire Dales District Council

The report presents a proposal from the Derbyshire Swift Conservation Project for a collaborative project to address the loss of Swift nesting sites across the district.


The Climate Change Project Officer introduced two members of the Derbyshire Swift Conservation Project, Dr Claire Mead and Dr Andy Broadhurst who gave a presentation to Members outlining a project which would be undertaken in collaboration with the District Council to address the loss of common swift nesting sites across the district.


Members were informed that the common swift had declined across the UK by more that 65%, it was noted that the main factor for this decline appeared to be the ongoing loss of suitable nest sites on existing buildings as building repairs, renovation and replacement gradually results in the loss of access holes to their nest sites.


The three phases of the Derbyshire Dales Swift Project were detailed as follows:


Phase I: surveying


1)    To provide accurate data to determine the distribution of nesting swift colonies.

2)    To provide accurate data to determine estimates of swift population numbers.

3)    Establish areas and types of buildings used and preferred by swifts.


Phase II: risk assessment


4)    Identify high risk areas where nest sites will be lost.

5)    Raise awareness of swift decline and the importance of nest availability working with the project co-ordinator and local volunteers, the Derbyshire Dales Swift Project would fund events (meeting rooms, printing costs etc) and help raise local awareness of the project and what we’re trying to achieve. The aims would be to identify high risk areas, establish contact with landlords, social housing managers and householders and plan the distribution and extent of nest box installation.


Phase III: mitigation


6)    Establish nest installation programme.

7)    Monitor impact of nest box programme.

Once the target number of boxes is identified, based on the evidence collected, Derbyshire Dales Swift Project would set up a nest installation programme. By providing a recognised, credible source of advice, and installation service, we would be able to instigate a successful nest box programme across the Derbyshire Dales.  Examples of actions to encourage uptake could include:

a)    Pay installation costs. 

b)    Subsidise box costs for householders who take part in the scheme.

c)    A fund to be allocated for free provision of boxes to households unable to pay.

Monitoring: householders would be encouraged to take part in a citizen science project to record the uptake of swift nest boxes We would also use a nest box webcam to create public awareness on our websites and social media.


The proposal focused on creating and replacing nesting sites on our existing housing and buildings. It was noted within the report that the opportunity presented was at a significant scale and less time constrained than interventions on new built development. It was also noted that the installation of Swift boxes – phase 3 of the proposed project - is a simple and relatively inexpensive process but it is important that the preceding phases are undertaken to ensure the interventions have the most impact.


Swift boxes are referred to as ‘universal nesting boxes’. They can accommodate house sparrows, starlings, tree sparrows, blue tits, great tits, and occasionally house martins, therefore offering nesting sites to a variety of native bird species.  Stabilising and reversing species loss has a clear benefit to biodiversity – both locally and globally.


It was moved by Councillor Martin Burfoot, Seconded by Councillor Stuart Lees and


RESOLVED (unanimously)


That a delivery plan and costings are prepared for the project and presented to the appropriate committee for consideration.


The Chair declared the motion CARRIED.

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