Agenda item

Questions Pursuant to Rule of Procedure Number 15

To answer questions from Members who have given the appropriate notice.


Councillor Steve Wain put forward the following questions to Councillor Martin Burfoot, Chair of the Community and Environment Committee:



Matlock has once again recently featured in the media regarding yet another flooding event and the serious issues the town has with parts of its ineffective infrastructure, exposed by, excessive housing development, inadequate planning assessment and a lack of knowledge of its hydrology and geology.


In July 2023 there was a Public Health incident around Presentation Avenue, Matlock, where the foul and surface drainage infrastructure surcharged during a significant rain fall event. A Care Centre was flooded with human waste and an adjacent Academy had human waste discharged into its Play Area. Later pupils were seen playing in the human waste. 

This is abhorrent and unacceptable.


Currently the foul waste from 300 homes is channelled through this drainage network. This includes properties on Bentley Close, Gritstone Road and Asker Lane. The waste water flow is exacerbated by joining combined surface and foul water flows on Chesterfield Road and the gradient on to Presentation Avenue.


It must be noted that the foul waste from an additional 78 houses proposed to be built adjacent to Gritstone Road, are projected to flow through the infrastructure under the Care Home and Academy.


Are you surprised, or shocked by this increased risk? I was, but not apparently the Derbyshire County Council LLFA, who appear to have failed to mention this in their most recent consultation response regarding the protracted Gritstone Road planning application.


In this document the LLFA also rescinded a holding objection relating to excessive water flows from the site, which they had imposed, in 2022.  Again, no rationale was provided, in justification for this action.


Furthermore, in the same consultation they appear to abdicate responsibility and pass responsibility to our LPA, by recommending six conditions. Regularly these conditions appear to say, “construction shall not commence until a detailed assessment has been provided to, and approved by the LPA”. 


Who are the experts here? I know DDDC have qualified Planners, but by their own admission they are not drainage specialists!


In the above consultation response, the LLFA have also failed to specifically mention, or comprehensively comment upon, other significant issues highlighted by the community including:-

  • the significant increase in size and safety concerns of the attenuation dams, which are now so large that they require a Panel Engineer to assess them, 
  • continuing to allow excessive surface water flows from the developed area (phase1), against original STW instruction,
  • their willingness to proceed with culverting a significant length (230m) of surface water flow, against both their own and Environment Agency policy,
  • culverting increased surface water flows under existing homes on Bentley Close, without knowledge of where the flows actually outfall,
  • not commenting upon, or apparently assessing the increased impact of deforestation above the proposed site.
  • Failing to fully take account of the risk to the recently reviewed, highly sensitive, Bentley Brook catchment and the impact upon the Knowleston Place Pump Station.

I sincerely hope that you are able seek further clarification from the LLFA and protect Officers and the Derbyshire Dales District Council from any Potential subsequent litigation, regarding flooding issues linked to this site and therefore I ask:-


1. Will the Chair of this Committee, on behalf of the local community, businesses and our Council, ensure Derbyshire County Council, Local Lead Flood Authority, provide an assurance that they have robustly assessed all the issues highlighted by the community regarding the entire hybrid site and provide full reasoning and documentation to support all their recommendations in the consultation document dated 22 September 2023?


2. Will you also ensure that the LLFA provide a comprehensive response, and documentation, to explain their irrational and potentially reckless decision to rescind the previous holding objection, in light of all the new documented evidence submitted by the community and STW?”

Councillor Martin Burfoot provided the following response:

Dear Cllr Wain

Thank you for your questions relating to surface and foul water drainage issues in several neighbourhoods in the area north of Matlock town centre.

Firstly, I want to say that I share your view that it is disgusting and totally unacceptable that recent flooding events in the town have resulted in human waste being deposited in premises below Presentation Avenue, off Chesterfield Road.

Thank you for your continuing efforts, and those of your colleague councillors and local resident groups, to uncover what you all consider to be the cause of this, as well as those responsible.

I am sure you will understand that it would be inappropriate for me to comment in detail on any aspect of the current Gritstone Road / Wolds Farm planning application.

However, I believe it is vital that our Officers demand a full report from the Panel Engineer appointed by the County Council to examine the drainage aspects of that application, to enable our Planning Committee members to reach an informed decision, in due course. I consider that this and other similar applications should not be brought before the Planning Committee unless and until officers are fully satisfied that detailed plans of supporting infrastructure are approved, would be conditioned and in place prior to the commencement of any housing development.

Likewise, with regard to the need for a preliminary risk assessment of any large flood attenuation basins proposed, I will work with officers and relevant members, including you Cllr Wain, to insist that the Environment Agency examine that risk assessment should it be considered necessary under the Reservoirs Act.

Finally, I can assure you, Cllr Wain, that I will also work with officers to get an assurance from the County Council’s Lead Local Flood Authority that all the issues and concerns highlighted by Matlock councillors and the local community have been robustly assessed and evidence provided to confirm and support their recommendations to this Council.

Cllr Martin Burfoot

Chair, Community and Environment Committee