In the context of the approved Economic Recovery Plan, Corporate Plan and Economic Plan for the Derbyshire Dales, to approve for submission the District Council’s Investment Plan for the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund by the closing date of 1 August.
The Policy and Economic Development Manager introduced a report in the context of the approved Economic Recovery Plan, Corporate Plan and Economic Plan for the Derbyshire Dales, seeking approval for submission of the District Council’s Investment Plan for the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
To access the Fund, the District Council must submit an Investment Plan to include: proposed interventions; measurable outputs and outcomes; state how projects/activities will be procured and delivered; and set out governance arrangements. As lead local authority for UKSPF, the District Council must put in place appropriate project assessment; contracting; programme management, monitoring and evaluation procedures. The deadline for submission was 1 August 2022. Payments are expected from October 2022.
As a result of the work of Officers, Partners and Councillors a summary plan had been prepared (as agenda item 5, Annex 1) setting out a deliverable package of UKSPF interventions based on identified priorities. It was anticipated that, in accordance with UKSPF guidance, there will be a mixed approach including in-house delivery, commissioned services and procured contracts. It was noted that potential outputs and outcomes were indicative at this stage and subject to finalisation of the plan prior to submission.
A summary of proposed interventions, activities and required funding is set was set out in Table 1 of the report.
The proposed activities had been costed through a combination of methods including: independent cost assessment for the public realm works; costs of delivering similar schemes in the past e.g. Peak Rural Innovation Programme and; using existing delivery costs as a basis for initiatives proposed for extension.
During debate Councillor Peter O’Brien proposed two amendments, these were seconded by Councillor Clare Gamble and are included below:
Amendment 1
That the element of the public realm programme relating to that section of Bakewell Road between the proposed cinema and Crown Square be deleted and that relevant funding be redistributed to one or more of the following:
a.) An increase in value of the Community Resilience Fund and an increase in the maximum grant to £20,000.
b.) A scoping report to examine the issues regarding the infrastructure capacity of the electricity grid to accommodate green energy investment.
c.) An accelerated delivery of the Electric Vehicle Charging Point programme, focused on the more rural areas of the district.
d.) Funding of the next stage of the feasibility study for the development of a solar farm at Watery Lane.
Amendment 2
That the element of the programme relating to generic business support be deleted and the relevant funding be redistributed to one of more of the following:
a.) An increase in value of the Community Resilience Fund and an increase in the maximum grant to £20,000.
b.) A scoping report to examine the issues regarding the infrastructure capacity of the electricity grid to accommodate green energy investment.
c.) An accelerated delivery of the Electric Vehicle Charging Point programme, focused on the more rural areas of the district.
d.) Funding of the next stage of the feasibility study for the development of a solar farm at Watery Lane.
These amendments were then put to the vote as follows:
5 For
22 Against
0 Abstentions
The Chairman declared the amendment LOST
It was moved by Councillor Garry Purdy, seconded by Councillor Mark Wakeman and
1. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan Summary is approved for submission;
2. Subject to the approval of 1 above, that a supplementary revenue estimate of £1,043,517 and a capital programme estimate of £911,235 is approved to be spent over the next three financial years and funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant;
3. Authority is delegated to the Director of Regeneration and Policy to make detailed changes and finalise the plan with the S151 officer for submission;
4. The procurement of resources to support plan preparation is noted;
5. The proposed options for adopting UK Shared Prosperity Fund governance arrangements are approved and finalised by the Director of Regeneration and Policy prior to plan submission.
6. That a supplementary revenue estimate of £20,000 for plan preparation is approved retrospectively, to be funded by government grant upon sign-off of the Investment Plan.
25 For
0 Against
2 Abstentions
The Chairman declared the amendment CARRIED
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