Election results for Hartington and Taddington

District Council Elections - Thursday, 2nd May, 2019

The parishes of Blackwell in the Peak, Brushfield, Chelmorton, Flagg, Hartington Middle Quarter, Hartington Town Quarter and Taddington

Hartington and Taddington - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
David Chapman Conservative 289 60% Elected
John Robin Youatt The Green Party 82 17% Not elected
Asher Jacob Bond Liberal Democrats 61 13% Not elected
John Cowings Labour 51 11% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 483
Electorate 1356
Number of ballot papers issued 492
Number of ballot papers rejected 9
Turnout 36%
Share of the votes (%)
David Chapman 60% Elected
John Robin Youatt 17% Not elected
Asher Jacob Bond 13% Not elected
John Cowings 11% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty9
Total rejected9