Election results for Masson

District Council Elections - Thursday, 2nd May, 2019

The parishes of Bonsall, Cromford and Matlock Bath

Masson - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Joyce Pricilla Pawley Labour 459 25% Elected
Garry Purdy Conservative 386 21% Elected
Andrew Mellodew Hartley Labour 334 18% Not elected
John Michael Green The Green Party 273 15% Not elected
Richard Noel Walsh Conservative 261 14% Not elected
Robert Spowart UKIP 156 8% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 1869
Electorate 2400
Number of ballot papers issued 1034
Number of ballot papers rejected 5
Turnout 43%
Share of the votes (%)
Joyce Pricilla Pawley 25% Elected
Garry Purdy 21% Elected
Andrew Mellodew Hartley 18% Not elected
John Michael Green 15% Not elected
Richard Noel Walsh 14% Not elected
Robert Spowart 8% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
B Voting for too many candidates1
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty4
Total rejected5