Election results for Ashbourne South

District Council Elections - Thursday, 2nd May, 2019

The parish wards of Hilltop and St. Oswalds of the parish of Ashbourne

Ashbourne South - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Tom Donnelly Conservative 598 23% Elected
Robert Archer Liberal Democrats 538 21% Elected
Dermot Murphy Conservative 516 20% Not elected
Robin Michael Shirtcliffe Liberal Democrats 447 17% Not elected
Peter Ginnis Labour 161 6% Not elected
Ruth Anna Elisabeth Pugh Labour 160 6% Not elected
John James Hill The Green Party 157 6% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 2577
Electorate 4098
Number of ballot papers issued 1400
Number of ballot papers rejected 20
Turnout 34%
Share of the votes (%)
Tom Donnelly 23% Elected
Robert Archer 21% Elected
Dermot Murphy 20% Not elected
Robin Michael Shirtcliffe 17% Not elected
Peter Ginnis 6% Not elected
Ruth Anna Elisabeth Pugh 6% Not elected
John James Hill 6% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
B Voting for too many candidates2
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty18
Total rejected20