Election results for Darley Dale

District Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Includes the North and South Wards of Darley Dale Town Council and the Parish of Northwood and Tinkersley

Darley Dale - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
David Richard Burton Liberal Democrats 1104 21% Elected
Marilyn Amy Franks Liberal Democrats 917 17% Elected
Roger Shelley Liberal Democrats 761 14% Elected
Ann Elliott Conservative 642 12% Not elected
Dave Oakley Conservative 609 11% Not elected
Sarah Jill Halliwell Labour 555 10% Not elected
Richard Noel Walsh Conservative 461 9% Not elected
Andrew Statham Independent 291 5% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 3
Total votes 5340
Electorate 4853
Number of ballot papers issued 2022
Number of ballot papers rejected 2
Number of postal votes sent 1183
Number of postal votes returned 831
Turnout 42%
Share of the votes (%)
David Richard Burton 21% Elected
Marilyn Amy Franks 17% Elected
Roger Shelley 14% Elected
Ann Elliott 12% Not elected
Dave Oakley 11% Not elected
Sarah Jill Halliwell 10% Not elected
Richard Noel Walsh 9% Not elected
Andrew Statham 5% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty2
Total rejected2