Election results for Ashbourne North

District Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May, 2023

Includes the Ashbourne Town Council Wards of Belle Vue and Parkside and the Parishes of Offcote & Underwood, Bradley, Mappleton and Atlow

Ashbourne North - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Peter David Lewis Dobbs Liberal Democrats 653 25% Elected
Stuart Lees Conservative 575 22% Elected
Sue Bull Conservative 561 22% Not elected
Monty Stuart-Monteith Liberal Democrats 528 21% Not elected
Eileen Ashley Labour 246 10% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 2563
Electorate 3394
Number of ballot papers issued 1403
Number of ballot papers rejected 10
Number of postal votes sent 707
Number of postal votes returned 494
Turnout 41%
Share of the votes (%)
Peter David Lewis Dobbs 25% Elected
Stuart Lees 22% Elected
Sue Bull 22% Not elected
Monty Stuart-Monteith 21% Not elected
Eileen Ashley 10% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
B Voting for too many candidates3
D Unmarked or void for uncertainty7
Total rejected10